

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the other in this case as the mysterious being that in the expansive one's self is transformed into): (it was wondered, early on, what to do with all the gaussian white noise produced as a residue of these flows: it was even neglected completely in some early work: but at some point it was determined that these fluff-offs could be driven into back-flow channels for regressive interpulsion movements: or one could condense this fluff into cyclo-dense mini-feedback array-functions that could serve effectively as ping-back control-reverb): (ch.yonamine, piercing eyes, in white hooded cotton ghost-suit with gapped cut-outs of gray flesh .. inset venting)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(this all functioned on the surface of the cycloplane: with functions mapping arrays, sometimes in inverted or intensional form, .. with theorems as mappings between functions from a more high level perspective: polders were simply systems for managing .. distributing pressure, .. the (usually) unspoken base force was gravity, such that one could abstract out the whole polder system as one organizing gravitational pulls .. pushes: monogurui: the gap between the m(0)phur, or u(u(0)), .. (0)-formation (I.e. cyclobolic u(0)* velocity): the YUGHUR::PHANTOM process would consist of the conversion of expansive u_objects or compounds, closing it out _ commutes forward .. then pushing an inversion back to a point in the interior radius where one could tie off the flow via a (00-flux): the residual then gets pushed into the op. point_waves cell: the froth functions as an isomorph on reverberation)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(YAMAUEREDA planned for a future where nomadism was integrated into the urban planning process, such that megacities could support flows in .. out of modular community units via high reverb agriculture .. cycloextended supply chains .. proto-phasm flows: the monadic foundation for these units being tied to u_objects indices formed off of an array of proto-phasm concrescences .. catallactic *production, as opposed to the regional property dependent chrema of dominant municipalities: u_ejento rejected the hypothesis of complete convergence to all points .. regions of phase space, arguing for the importance .. viability of closed flow units .. replicability of temporal spaces): ((00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) the monadic phase was interpreted as a force pulling *production into the future via the inward onrush of future proto-phasm)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(growths would push up around u_flow tie-offs, providing curve-rich propagation for the regional mega-commuting domain: the intuitive part of success in the compounds functioned largely off of the ability on the part of participants to recognize .. determine these movements more quickly than others: y-morphs were closely watched for this purpose by advanced analysts: u pushed inward from ___0 to ____ following the (0_0) .. the close of the pinned velocity mapping that effectively embodied closed curves: following ____ it began to push upward again before the implementation of YAMAUEREDA imposed the prolonged .. (great) contraction pushing u down to ultimately nearly ½-ed levels): ((00_00)(00_00) (00_00) once one has accepted a model based on proto-phasm processes one can push into multiple channels to manage .. promote distortions of the relations between different classes of proto-phasm instruments)."

00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(the six mega_phurgur behind the huge thick glass wall: six white metal turbines spin behind glass coverings, reaching deep behind them into channels that push into the mountain: hä mouths the cold air uncomfortably: crystal formations and metal outcroppings inset with dim white effervescent lights are latched on to the interior, encroaching on the tight space along with three metal coolant units: the u_pulse units pushed out currents beyond their regional limits via a double-inversion process): (yumi(no)gosuto): (shimmering image over the u_projection field) (00::00) 'the object-giving(dator) becomes a form of ur-consciousness: there was a shift in how consciousness itself was conceived, such that it ceased to be a question of how consciousness is bullt up to emerge from non-consciousness .. becomes one centered on notions of supervaluation, such that consciousness is conceived as a filter, reducing the immanent flows of consciousness to a form which is minimal enough to be managed .. controlled by a finite mechanism: the distinct formation of images is reduced to that which the body can hold psychically without confusion .. distortion, a function of the evolved ability to disentangle oneself from the massive collapsing whole of one's environment: consciousness becomes in large part the ability to map out a distinct u_space unmixed with other overlapping u_spaces: failure to achive these forms of distinct clarity are that which monogurui consists of, states in which u_objects cease to determine themselve .. instead become effects of the u_objects around them: the hachibushu took these as guiding principles .. formed them as a disciplined methodology: they represented the most powerful .. vigorous of the mathematicians of the institute of the defense, bound together by a common belief that the previous disordered attempts at nirvana would not truly take hold until unified programmatically: their plan made use primarily of a mathematical structure invented by (00_00), referred to as the monadic currents: monads are sub-atomic mathematical points .. their currents are defined by mathematical series accurately portraying cause-effect relationships at the most minute level: the design of the u_pulse current was such that it's mirroring would overtake its outer spectral form .. it would collapse upon itself: to counteract this tendency u_ejento propulgated wave forms which would invert, such that the spectral form would turn in on .. collapse the mirroring: in turn, this would be inverted .. projected outward: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) heard, in whispered undertones, här echoed voice, reverberating through each of these six channels in a pulsing push upward'): (.. as yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) sat dreaming in the miryo greenhouse, a dark ghost had come .. whispered in här ear)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(YAMAUEREDA planned for the pushing down of c-pulse velocities while pushing up the velocities on expansive y_ghost ../or agency compounds): (the convex hull of a set U inverts back on itself .. closes off in a time symmetric framework, such that a properly constructed goryo is always self-pushed: the intersections of all convex sets that form U correspond to points on a u_ejento's mapping where new u_objects positions can be formed .. tied down: the inversion of each of these is the converse position (I.e. micro vs. macro): the u_ejento's counterposition is always här future (or past) self: the mighu .. the phuma-head institutions were formed by collections of urakuomori to allow for formations of goryo positions pushed by organism commerce compounds): (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00))." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the reverb on these was pushed into point-form in the cyclostructure .. phasm properties of the megacities which dominated the sub-atomic regions of the myghori_ch.:(0_0) region at this time: YAMAUEREDA would push out proto-phasm .. pull it back in on the basis of _ concentric circles: a process of akrasia permeated: if one looks upstream at the compounds cell floating on these u_plots, what, then, is the mountain, providing the source of the flow –)."

00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「はぁ、冷たい (00) 地面を押して、装置を起こそうとする。 開発。 yameghuru_uereda(ii) の体の選択されたポイントでアンチ チョード アーマーからイン/アウト/ミニ ブラック ラウンドトップ メタル スクリューがクリア ポリマーアトミック アーマーのピースを断続的に固定/セレクター プレス/クリア ポリマーアトミック アンチ チョード アーマーを覆うhär (00_00) 傷ついたハード/ソフト ボディの白いショート パンツ、黒いボタン/黒いタン/マスク/ヘッドピースの上に弱いパーマ パターン 13 の円/非常に炭素質の黒い無精ひげの顔 大きな目 クリアの下に 5 つの円の髪プラスチック/マルチ露. 空気を介してそれらに対して ウェーブ 00. モナディックウェーブ 08. 5つのミニ突起/クリアラバーの上に非常に炭素の黒いミニ束ねられた髪 6-バンプボディスーツ装備 5-ミニ上のクリアラバーマスク付き・突き出た頭:炭素のような黒い髪/大きな丸い目/モナディックウェーブ09. 00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) "yameghuru_uereda(ii) はこのポイントにいました。sn(o)wy(Fields)/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ The黒いゴム製のスリッパ/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) ボウルのクリームで体がわずかに震えているパフはデザートに食べられています/ yameghuru_uereda(ii) の体は de(OOOOOOOO) でした/ 5 つの丸みを帯びた黒髪/ 白い突然の寒さへの脆弱性, 眉をひそめる敵対者.. 黒いゴムのタイトな白いレースのブーツにダウン: 以上透明なプラスチック製のボディスーツの多球状のアーマー/ rt. ヒップのすぐ上にある黒のアディダスの 3 つの図形のロゴ/ ああ、とても炭素質の黒い無精ひげの顔 5 つの丸髪/ (00)(00) (00) (00) (00) (00). 白い雪が降る / 見下ろす (00)(00)/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)(00)/ しっかりした黒いゴム手袋をはめている/ 慎重に調整するモナド波の洗練されたキャリブレーションのためのメカニズム/ här の顔は、透明なゴム製マスクの後ろで静かに反抗的/誇りを持っています。」 00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(00) (00) (00) (00) O/ (0/_) (00) this: phideyuki .. Lola両方の F. .. (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O : (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) を落としたことに注意してください。同時に.., 嫉妬深い女性たち (00) O/ yameghuru_uereda(ii)/ 白い制服を着たデ (00)(00)(00)/ 彼らはすぐに F. が私を盗んだのではないかと疑う.. 明確な重合原子白い部屋の機械椅子. 彼らのドレスに大きな赤い C.s をまき始めます. しかし、それは起こりません. 世界の, しかし今何? . (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00). in minutae of reversion. クリアラバーマスク/クリアラバー (00) 膝まで/ (-CR)(00) här の麻痺したひび割れた唇の口をぎこちなく動かす/ här の黒いゴムのミニ手袋をはめた手を här の唇に当てる/ här の透明なゴム製マスクが här の頭をきつく拘束する/ 大きな丸い目/ (-CR)(00)/すぼめられ、しびれ、ひび割れた唇。」 00.おおおお。 yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(00) 黒のゴム製アディダス スリッパ/誰もが特定の審美的発展の間..慎重な熟考のポーズで顔が特徴的なマスク/Dr. I ., 一方, あたかも少し日陰にいるように見える.. 太陽から隠れることができます. 白い雪が私を連れてきます.手袋をはめた手で唇を掴む/透明なゴム製のマスクで頭をしっかりと拘束する/大きな丸い目/(-CR)(00)/すぼめられた麻痺したひび割れた唇/真の黙想に入る/腕を振り回す/ちょっとしたことなど.カオンの壁のない家で毎回! Mtns./ .. yameghuru_uereda(ii) プラスチック製の透明なプラスチック製の球根状の鎧を着ており、巨大な透明なプラスチック製の円形の奇形があり、RT.-円形の胸に大きな黒-09/ RKUCH this-./ här 5-circled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair tight-bound.5: phideyuki in a white cotton short-shorts with clear semi-opaque ½-leggings .. クロップド ホワイト コットン ブトカットされたミッドリフの上に傘のように浮かぶネッドアップ ブラウス。インスペ。 x./ 顔のない男の球根状の変形した体は、大きな黒い放射計のヘッドピースを備えた白いプラスチック製の多くの折り畳みローブに従事しています.. 彼の白いプラスチック製ローブの黒い反対側には、「(0000) THEM ALL」と書かれています. . 「VSEKH NE PROEBYOSH」.. 白い空白の仮面から、厳粛な見当違いの目を外に向けます。フィデユキは七分袖の腕を組む。ぴでゆき「何が失踪を生んだの?」インスペ。 x.: 「知る方法はありませんが、3 つの質問を検討してください。」i) 計画の目的は何でしたか? "ii) それらの目的が達成されたらどうなりますか? CAPTAIN R. 44 歳。別名 de (000000000000)。別名 gushamoto。元王女の擁護者 re Princess Nadja the Aeropittura (別名 the oghori)。現在の YAMABUSHI (ID: CO45312). モナドの戦争中、ヤルボア/冬の怪物のための食欲の鳥によるナジャ王女の誘拐の後、ヤメグ(r)uは彼自身の死を偽造した(模造ヤメグ(r)u、ロボットM. 博士によって秘密裏に作成された彼自身のバージョン)、.. 失敗した弁護の償いをするために出発しました。