

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: ueghuruomo_ueda)(ii))(episode 17: grayphantom stands before här, eyes the color of hoar frost, arms folded over chest with widespread fingers, här gray alien body contorted to gaze down on här, in black rubber bodysuit, här disturbed muscles pulsating, här rounded humanoid body pushing forward: clear fluids run over the surface of här flesh, occasionally bubbling into momentary stillnesses): (the assumption of biunivocalilty was, not only essential to the implementation of a goryo, but was applied universally as synonymous with bicausality, such that the question of causality vs. correlation was deemed of no point whatsoever: if entropic progression/regressions flowed both ways then one could focus one's system on the design of an expanding series of filters for the purpose of regulating one's approach to equilibrium via a cascading mass of point-direct decision functions: the permanence of entitlements for land use filtration were unwound, in favor of 5 to 60 year contracts put up for bid .. renewal: a 50* guidleline was enforced for interior/polymeratomic possession: underneath all of this heavy reverb in irrigation, energy, .. communications infrastructures built up a tightly bound utility phism: these underground maitenance channels were developed as hybrid polymeratomic spaces, initially with park features, but over time developing more forcefully urban .. residential spaces): ('who will protect you, now, myako:phuma? yumi(no)gosuto(muorghoru(ii))(i) .. the other u_defender guardians have congregated at the farthest reaches of the universe, where they believe me to be emerging: didn't you expect to see me?: deep down, didn't you know it would be this way?: couldn't you feel it, in the white glowing powerforce that they forced into your body, that you refused but was thrust upon you anyway?: you knew I would be here, at the center, .. not distant at the furthest radius, because you knew that fate had transformed us into one doubled creature, one bright shining crystal form for the universe to take control of, .. be controlled by': above them the uber-urban no-mecha .. regional institutes extend outward, calm): pressure-pt. or glass-held-drinks ice popping clinging clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop mini-bundled hair atop 5 mini-protrusions: micro-drops: 2 slices of black licorice: in:out at select pts. of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto)'s body from clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit equipage 2 shots of (00_00) or bombay: ½-shot of ricard. the anti-chöd armor: 5 mini-protrusions w: clear rubber mask over 5-mini-protrusioned always foundation this foundation that vomit from här close-cropped head clear polymeratomic anti-chöd armor: .. a mini-C.A.M.: vomit vomit vomit. showing him around, .. (-CR)(00)'s cold numb lips quiver vibrantly head: oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: you're a nice houseguest, ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) says: hä stands awkwardly, not knowing what to do, ½ dressed, wet internal fluids dripping off här body: semi-opaque (00) run up to plump little thighs: it ruptures här bodily organs .. muscles with one move, pulling it apart (00_00) (00_00) white (0000), adjusts its body over här face .. devours här (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) turns to make some tea: (hä sees krit proliferation with this crowd) a behind the clear rubber mask: black rubber hypothetical mathematical ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto): 'ok', do gloved hands in stillness: over big round eyes." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "assigned posts clear 5-mini-protrusioned head moment: big round eyes: the clear rubber (0000) equipage rubber 6-bumped bodysuit oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: black-outlined (00): (1656) will be that w: black markings: it turns out the problem with backwards (00)-travel was mis-represented: people .. things move backward in (00) routinely .. in fact it is as common as moving forward in (00): the challenge is in measurement (which in turn is another word for perception, or one could say perception is a particular kind of measurement, or vice versa): the M.E.V. allows for this, .. breaks down the irreversibility of one's measurement-processes." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. the cement edges of the aqueduct radiate upward: myako:phuma drives forward .. throws all the psychic force at här disposal into the center of grayphantom .. drives här back: grayphantom, taken aback by här new powers, stumbles backward, .. a look of fear comes over här gray alien features: clutching här mid-chest hä turns .. runs): (the concrete u_pilot objects used in these goryos interact with their abstract conceptual mirrorings in the indeterminancy spaces provided as blown out matrices representing openings of would would otherwise be constrained as closures (or as unit-points defined as probability collections))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)(capt. r.)(ii): "(the acknowledgment being that if r, u_, .. u(0)phur could be controlled then p could be pulled forward: one, in effect, was measuring the pockets of u_pulse contained in other dimensionalities, or the invisible regions of future u_pulse growth): (the u_flux circle-domain functioned as a mapping of this invisible world, measuring it as a product of its indirect effects which could be observed: (00_00)(00_00)): (the u_flux circle-domain, in this sense, was the inverse of positivity, a back-formed cancerous growth of possibility which could not be confirmed or contradicted, but which could nevertheless be analysed .. used for the constraint .. implementation of productive forces: these curves would push against one another, with growth in u_ pushing up r, .. growth in r pushing up p, which would in turn assert its own gravitational force on r, allowing for a certain reverb to be in play): match, the_yurighosts' clear rubber bindings up här sore tired legs. if it comes to the head of into the unique intensity. for ex., thought of as a monogurui uniform implosion-chamber for ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) masking of a field of ugarte – hä think (KNOW WHERE YOU'RE HEADING?) identity, or somehow ceasing to exist (coy move I suppose capt. .r., this 'somehow', we both know precisely 'how'): but the point 1 raised eyebrow for a you accept the terms?' (500.00) cadmium red/ här white body sits in the white rubber mask restricts här head tightly: (-CR)(00): (00) (the lt. sibling of a slightly heavy lids at the pursed numb chapped lips: I could hear the sparsely attended open sockets, on my first residents departing from the ryojusen interior, birthday: glorious: this is not a reversionist report. dirtied up by frosting/sprinkles, the last weak Ugarte vs. Himself. clear rubber bodysuit w: black breaths of the party: p.i was lying ½-conscious outline:markings: clear rubber (00): black on the clear plastic low metal work-table, now rubber slippers: 5-mini-protrusioned head stubs hä was the clear plastic work-table: a white ceramic ewer on a minute iron table. the white of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: (00) on här lips: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) in plastic clear plastic bulbous armor w: huge clear plastic circular misformations, large black-09 on rt.-circled breast: clear rubber light against här body: perhaps just static, high-up ankle meeting pt. w: black outline clear the volume turned all the way up, shhhhh! but (00): black rubber slippers: 3 convergent I do like myself a nice hangover: the pounding weak super-red semi-opaque numb chapped lips: the pounding .. the ache just like 0000ing but in the direction of the conversation: above all it lasts 1/2 the day. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) finds här lips finished we will be better monogurui white short-shorts with black round for it but damaged/ sleep/ to make bodied vehicles buttons (U_GHOST-FACE) (80.00): any one of these of us all/ for images/ 5 metal optic tubes attached possibilities made as individuals placed a certain to the morning thawed-out water-particled air/ value on the greater monadic value than the burning white light.: The Yurighosts on Mt. Chukai, reverse: sweat was running down my arms in weightless (where an epidemic of (0000))). one-by-one arrived after a 20 year absence- (00) weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles I had exceeded expectations: the warm .. outline each of the clear plastic balls of the 5 white rubber circles tightly formed from headpiece: (capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.) in the corner of the small room is an unmade bed with floral pattern sheets of low hinoki structure: on the hinoki table to their side is the remains of a breakfast of torn apart bread .. fruits with some kind of thick white sauce spread: beside a coffee .. tea, .. a small half-eaten pastry: the large glass wall shows off the large expanse of a white morning: u_ghost((00_00)) contorts här upper musculature against capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)'s head)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.)(00_00)(capt. r.)(ii): "(it was within this space of reverb where circle-domain participants would point-fold or otherwise: u_ejento, on the other hand, were more concerned with the area outside of this space, the forces imposed upon it .. radiating out from it): (00_00)(MONOGURUI: ueghuruomo_ueda)(ii))(episode 18: in the cement lined channel of the aqueduct pounding white rubber booted feet through occasional puddles of water, grass lined slopes above här: grayphantom turns in the dark shadows under a bridge: hä leaps to come down on grayphantom from above but hä unleases a wave of augma_wind, but shudders as it passes through här projection, thrown before här to confuse här attack, as här true otherworldy body swoops in behind här .. blows här apart from behind with a rush of arrayed powercrystal mass driving här crushed body deep into the earth: hä staggers in white u_defender bodysuit, sweat thrown from head .. hands as hä collapses to a stop, feet digging into the powercrystal morphism)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(hä looks deep through the powercrystal to the crushed body of what hä thought was grayphantom .. sees instead the fading particles of här cloned image: hä finds a glimmering image in här mind of yumi(no)gosuto(muorghoru(ii))(i), life slipping from här frozen in stasis body): pressure-pt. tubular injections: här ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) (thru the C.A.M.) 'the cold winter anti-chöd armor: selecter-pt.: puts här black rubber misdirection then we all must depart/ where mini-gloved hand to här lips: (0264) här clear rubber small circle beads, falling occasionally to the (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) it C.A.M. projector-receiver units (designed mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: whiteness.'(0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): byO.) (thumb-sized) chair/ black outlines:markings (-CR)(00): pursed numb chapped lips." 00. OOOOO. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) ".. these clammy point of här eyes had a bored (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): (0000) (0000): clear rubber mask: phuma::mitsu(i)'s medium-gray painted lips touch: the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask: (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly: arliga bla I am not an underground ugarte: I have distracted head/ lips/ P.XIV rests här rt. hand, (0000) (0000).' flecked with white snow- struggling slightly to not (00) 00_(00) df: for phuma::mitsu(i): phuma::mitsu(i) puffs breathe against the heart-breaking cold: over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor: clear mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: lines: in black enters now again: reversion. .. the sad YAMABUSHI equipage rubber 6-bumped bodysuit weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles pure part flurries around you. (meaning you only in w: black markings.'"

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: ueghuruomo_ueda)(ii))(エピソード 17: グレイファントムはハーの前に立ち、目は霧氷の色、両腕は胸の上で大きく指を広げ、ハーを見つめるように歪んだ灰色のエイリアンの体、黒いゴム製 ボディスーツ、乱れた筋肉が脈動し、丸みを帯びた人型の体が前方に押し出される: 透明な液体が肉体の表面を流れ、時折瞬間的な静寂の中に泡立ちます):(二一声性の仮定は、ゴリョの実装に不可欠であるだけでなく、 因果関係と相関関係の問題は何の意味もないとみなされるように、因果関係と同義語として普遍的に適用されます。エントロピー進行/回帰が両方向に流れるのであれば、システムを次の目的で拡張する一連のフィルターの設計に集中させることができます。 カスケード状の多数の点直接決定機能を介して均衡へのアプローチを規制: 土地利用ろ過の権利の永続性が解除され、5 ~ 60 年の契約が入札に掛けられるようになりました。.. 更新: 50* ガイドラインが施行されました。 内部/ポリマー原子の所有物: 灌漑、エネルギー、.. 通信インフラストラクチャのすべての重度の反響の下に、緊密に結合されたユーティリティ フィズムが構築されています: これらの地下維持チャネルは、当初は公園の機能を備えたハイブリッドのポリマー原子空間として開発されましたが、時間の経過とともにより強力に発展しました 都市 .. 居住空間): (「さあ、誰があなたを守ってくれますか、myako:phuma?」 yumi(no)gosuto(muorghoru(ii))(i) ..他の u_defender ガーディアンは宇宙の最果てに集まっていて、そこで私が現れると信じています:私に会えると期待していませんでしたか?:心の奥底で こうなることは知らなかった?: 彼らがあなたの体に強制的に押し込んだ白く光る力の中で、あなたは拒否したのにとにかく押しつけられたのを感じられなかった?: 私がここにいることは知っていただろう、 中心に、.. 最も遠い半径でも遠くない、なぜなら運命が私たちを 1 つの倍増した生き物、宇宙が制御するための 1 つの明るく輝く結晶体に変えたことを知っていたからです.. によって制御されます。 -都市のノーメカ..地域の研究所が外側に広がり、穏やか):圧力pt。 またはグラスで持った飲み物の氷がはじける、まとわりつく透明なプラスチックのミニシリンダーの注射が、5 つの小さな突起の上にあるミニ束ねた髪をはじける: マイクロドロップ: 黒カンゾウのスライス 2 枚: 選択したポイントでイン:アウト。 ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) の透明なゴムの 6 つのバンプのボディスーツからのボディの 2 ショット (00_00) またはボンベイ: リカールの 1/2 ショットを装備します。 対チョード装甲: 5 つの小さな突起と 5 つの小さな突起の上に透明なゴムマスクがあり、常にこの基盤があり、短く切り取られた頭から嘔吐する透明なポリマー原子の対チョード装甲: .. ミニ C.A.M.: 嘔吐、嘔吐、嘔吐 。 彼を案内しながら、.. (-CR)(00) の冷たく麻痺した唇が生き生きと震える 頭: ああ、とても炭素質の黒い髪: あなたは素敵なゲストですね、ウエグルオモ ウエダ(ii)(グシャモト) は言います: ハはぎこちなく立っています、 何をしたらいいのか分からず、半分服を着て、濡れた内部の液体が身体から滴り落ちます:半透明 (00) ふくよかな小さな太ももに駆け寄ります: それは身体の器官を破裂させます.. 筋肉を一動作で引き裂き、それを引き離します (00_00) (00_00) ) 白 (0000)、顔の上に体を調整します。.. をむさぼり食います (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) ( 00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00): ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) がお茶を淹れに回る: (この群衆と一緒にクリットの拡散が見られる) 透明なゴムマスクの後ろで: 黒いゴムの仮定の数学的ウエグルオモウエダ(ii)(グシャモト): 「わかりました」、静かに手袋をはめた手をしてください: 大きな丸い目の上で。」 00. OOOOO. ウエグルオモウエダ(ii)(-(CR(00))): ( C.A.M.)」担当ポストクリア5ミニ突起ヘッドモーメント:大きな丸い目:クリアラバー(0000)装備ラバー6段バンプボディスーツオーソカーボン黒髪:黒縁取り(00):(1656)となります その w: 黒いマーキング: 後方 (00) への移動の問題は誤って表現されていたことが判明しました。人々 .. 物事が (00) で後退するのは日常的です .. 実際、(00) で前進するのと同じくらい一般的です。 課題は測定にあります(これは知覚を別の言葉で表したり、知覚が特定の種類の測定であるとも言えますし、その逆も同様です)。 これを可能にするのは、.. 測定プロセスの不可逆性を破壊することです。」 (00_00)(MONOGURUI: capt. r.(yamegu(r)u(ii))(ch.))(ii))((00) )(00)(00) (00_00)(00) (00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. 水道のセメントの端が上向きに放射状に広がっています: myako:phuma は前進します .. すべてを投げます グレイファントムの中心に自由に使える精神的な力が.. ハーを後退させる: グレイファントム、新しい力に驚かされ、後ろによろめきます.. 恐怖の表情が灰色のエイリアンの特徴に現れます: ハーの胸の真ん中を掴み、向きを変える。 .runs): (これらの goryo で使用される具体的な u_pilot オブジェクトは、will の開口部を表す吹き飛ばされた行列として提供される不確定空間内の抽象的な概念的ミラーリングと相互作用します。そうでなければ constr になります。

(*): (0)(0)