

00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) everything shimmery/ reflective around me/ much because I'll jump jump jump again to call you out on announce to you insp. x., dr.p., to your face or out in The sn(o)wy(Fields)/ hard worker/ quick curiosity/ inspection. my eyes round/ black clear plastic/ clear plastic-clear plastic surfaces/ blue-tinged/ white otherwise, insp. x., you are a fore-given bastard/ w/ här mini-calculations/(Rin-zai-roku)/ minute utility belt against my white YAMABUSHI equipage, reflection/ tight weak_cobalt_blue fake fur hat mini-coat .. mini-chaps black w/ white bird-pattern over black 5-miniature-circled hair/ hä wears tight rubber black gloves/ carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined calibration of the monadic waves/ här face is calmly defiant/ proud behind the clear rubber mask/ clear rubber (00) up to här knees/ (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ black rubber u_chrema slippers." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "phuma::mitsu: w/ medium gray vertical band down the center of plastic infrastructure/ into the middle pump 5 white dr.p., you are a bunny/ not so much so/ the white 'Something growing more ominous.'/ before my chest w/ black round buttons, white short-pants. black outline round circles around darkened heavy eyes clear plastic mask 13-circled head-piece/ hä sits on the clear plastic/porcelain large chair-apparatus/ staring intently .. looks around/ 13-circled headpiece/ the clear plastic figure w/ 6 contorted abstract clear plastic protrusions connected to the chair-apparatus on the metal couplings/ plastic reavages/ 15 moments objective reflection/ the carpet/ the bed/ the bathroom countertop/ hallways bury deeply into The Yamauereda(ch.) depths/ The War of The Monads blew up/ bokan! 3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) ".. white, stands on the crest of the recently vanquished battle watching the snow fall, struggling slightly to breathe against the heart-breaking cold/ the miniature white-painted iron dinnerette table ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ The Rokudo-Ch.: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): '(00)? was w/ white indigo medium pink qingbai weak cobalt blue pattern ceramic an avid student of the theory of war .. the machineries covering was set w/ the following: a (00) of 14 thereof. hä derived the correct axioms but realized white fake (00)s in glass, a white ceramic ewer, that only the eventual development of a powerful glass dishware, a ½-drunk bottle of (00_00), Monadic Machine could make possible the rate a glass ashtray w/ a few embered ashes. W3: 'Yes, of calculation/ manipulation. The immense complexity well, I'd like to 0000 your brains out. But maybe of the program is 0000ing mind-staggering.’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ pressure-pt. tubular injections: anti-chöd armor: selecter-pt.: Dr.y.(ii). didn't that isn't going to work out. I had gone to the pose the ½ of it. But the apparatus is now in place. weathermen because Dr. Q., dominant center of The u-engine, __M. Ur-c.a.m., .. 01SP. The O. District for so long, had died. The first Complete monadic interpolation. dr.p.: 'You think in modern information theory. A Max the Giant will come? hä's got a lot on här plate mathematician w/ ideas so big .. so dominant that still that hä's having difficulties finishing off.' ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): rules were changed in an effort to handcuff him. hä 'Still? I'd assumed hä'd finished that by now.' dr.p.: died at a rehabilitation center in 'Those last 3 are still giving him trouble. pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in/out.’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "The result is clean .. compelling, after against the white rubber beast: hä wears tight ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): ‘In the wind/ (-CR)(00)'s black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ contorted groaning/ mouth open/ hungry/ (-CR)(00)'s eyes round/ black outline/markings ‘-CR’ .. u_chrema logo against här clear rubber YAMABUSHI equipage, mini-C.A.M./ the white snow.’ all. It just happened. rubber black gloves/ carefully adjusting the mechanism proud behind the clear rubber mask/ clear rubber (00) up to här knees/ (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ black rubber u_chrema slippers/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear plastic armor attached to clear plastic chair white straps/ bindings/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) in clear polymeratomic prmbr armor/ recorder-equipage." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "3 bold weak super-red semi-opaque lines converge on the face of the mask/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) (00)(00) Monadic Wave 05. Monadic Wave 06. Monadic Ch.yuoghor45 .. Ch.yuoghor39 run out of The Ryojusen, (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (00)(00) (00) (O) (O) (O) .. down to black rubber tight white-laced boots: over the clear plastic body-suit multi-bulbous armor/ u_chrema 3-figured logo in black just above rt. hip/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s white rubber masked face w/ dark tired empty eyes inert beside which." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) carefully adjusting the mechanism design an irresolute formless disposition of one poofed up air of fabric mini-folded off body: two small fold of fat push against one another: 04SP: här refusal: (CR)(00)'s clear rubber or not: sega: fujima: cowboy: or pushed open multi-formed: but they are moment. for refined calibration of the monadic waves: my white floor below the white light. I was certain that yumi(no)gosuto(miomoto) would hold the course: 6-bumped bodysuit: the_prompt accusations (00) gripping: hyper-intensive muscles: I gave a quick knock of här veins thru här face is calmly defiant: proud behind just correspondence between certain of continued meddling mathematicians' efforts. popping my quickly pumping heart-muscle .. the clear rubber mask: clear rubber (00) aesthetic aspect, ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) (½-ughor-1/2-mhyghori albino): (CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: .. from it I could feel the blood pumping though my veins .. my body getting ¼-cold out form its interior: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto)'s head felt light, or heavy, hä wasn't sure which: (I guessed differently, part of P.IV, foundation a city is built on until it moves was able to exciting part), but architecture is up to här knees: 'the (0000), with instructions to find you .. bring you back to här': (-CR)(00) moves här numb the plastic rubber ½-glove, over the lt., .. a former goryo whose decision-making: (at which point that becomes the pinkie): (00) (ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) in clear plastic armor attached chapped-lip mouth awkwardly: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) (½-ughor-1/2-mhyghori albino): (CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: tilts här body in its most impersonal direction, closely tight-closed buttons: the pop they make as they undo: "no, not – ugh" hä grunts as it pulls här flesh apart .. här organs pop up: its pinkish lips touch, both lungs, closer: adjusting the_mechanism for refined (00) (– it’s all resonance .. unbounded) to clear oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: are these invisible indexes?: maybe they are invisible intensions? a concept which always made ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) uncomfortable: if something has no extension .. no perceivable entities then what is it anyway? can you call it some kind of object or concept at all? but yumi(no)gosuto(miomoto) explained it away as a gap, definable by the properties of the objects/concepts which bump up against it: to which ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) countered, yeah, well, defining something by the objects/concepts which bump up against it is perception, df, in the first place, so really your still conversing about perceiving something without perceiving it, whatever that means, mother(00_00)er: but yumi(no)gosuto(miomoto) loved getting a rise out of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto), anyways: black rubber u_chrema slippers: (indirect) this was perhaps punctuated by the (-CR)(00) moves här numb 00_(00) was developed by (0000) out of is big round of confined invisibility, a cut-off hä puffed här head: the powerful (00) up här body: cold .. the 0000ing wind when hä's out in the snowy fields conducting repairs hä wants to repeat: if this weren't what hä supposed around its cold cold ankles pushing against the back of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto)'s neck, rubbing up against the nobs of its spine: was that what they meant by finding happiness, is this it, this little piece of meat: or will it come to här later: white-muscled push against cut .. fabric of white mori-ghuma uniform .. the grotesque odor of fluids: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) growls about something disinterested: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(gushamoto) (½-ughor-1/2-mhyghori albino): (CR)(00)'s (000000) plastic chair white straps: bindings: 6 bumps of här clear rubber bodysuit clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit: a unique feature clear eyes: hence implosion: though there of this mode of (00)-travel as opp: to traditional (00) machines would be that instead of blipping about from fixed pt: to fixed pt: it would obey continuity." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ black rubber u_chrema slippers/ the clear plastic armor surrounds him in circular formations/ clear plastic mask 13-circled/ ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body semi-apparent beneath the clear plastic multi-bulbous armor/ oh-so-carbonaceous black-stubbled face 5-circled hair beneath the clear plastic 13-circled head-piece clear plastic mask w/ 3 convergent weak super-red semi-opaque lines/ weak permanent blue semi-opaque circles outline each of the clear plastic balls of the headpiece/ black outlines/markings här clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ clear rubber mask/ (-CR)(00) moves här lips slowly/ flecked with white snow- struggling slightly to breathe against the heart-breaking cold/ clear YAMABUSHI equipage rubber 6-bumped bodysuit w/ black markings/ black plastic circular buttons up ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s white short-shorts." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(-CR)(00) w/ 5-mini-protrusioned head: mini-bundled oh-so-carbonaceous black hair/ black u_chrema slippers w/ ice-grip/ clear u_chrema logo/ a window in här office looks quietly under här breath/ perhaps in nervousness/ or out on The Snowy Fields. from what I could observe merely concentration/ break/ chinese vases/ beat-beat/ hä never looked out away from här research. one ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) coughs/ sometimes mumbling to himself or singing but 4 heated swimming pools/ long vertical asked. Bold black outline. Sculpted bold .. mostly quietly making här way from one room constructions designed for laps/ Y: 'Everywhere vibrant black lines. Circles. Resonance. här to another once a month tending to the the white- .. the white/ (00)(00) (00)(00) (00)/ fingers caress themselves intently. the monadic teahouse's needs. I do not need to remember (00)(00)/ (00)(00).’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) one attempted social/anti-social role. I let här push I'm not certain now. I don't keep up w/ här. black-freckled .. (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O : (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) uniformed legs looking intently at the delicate-formed (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) me any way hä liked. Lola w/ a white porcelain cup of impatient. hair pulled into 5 mini-bundles on här 5-mini-protrusioned head beneath tight clear rubber mask/ darkened eye/ black-stubbled face behind clear rubber mask/ black outline/markings run up (-CR)(00)'s clear rubber 6-bumped bodysuit/ w/ massive gray clouds forming/massing overhead wind turbulent super-strong every direction/ F.: 'You should try the ice cream bars. They're (00) (00) O/ (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O : (0/_) (00) aged/weary facial features of phuma::mitsu. They sit beside (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O O.’ Chrysanthemum tea in hand." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "The conversation goes bang wonderful. hä wears tight rubber black gloves/ carefully adjusting the mechanism for refined calibration of the monadic waves/ här face is calmly defiant/ proud behind the clear rubber mask/ clear rubber (00) up to här knees/ (-CR)(00) moves här numb chapped-lip mouth awkwardly/ black rubber u_chrema slippers/ they have an entire assortment of flavors .. colors (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O/ (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O : a miniature white-painted iron table. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)(0) .. ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): ‘(00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) bang bang against the quick minimal (0000) music from the over there.' (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O/ (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) phuma::mitsu are drinking large white-w/-black-line-(00) (00)./ phuma::mitsu: '(00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) surrounding radiometers.’ F.: 'Nice to see you. Are you (00) (00) O : (0/_) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) (00) O.’" 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "monogurui yamabushi uniform (00000) (500.00): mini-projected monadic studies indicating back-flow again in the * district: but ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) refuses to believe it, on principle: clear rubber hooded poncho pulled tightly around him .. bound by white plastic straps with black round buttons: there's nothing much left now: corrections: over-beats: one day repeats the next in closed loop: clear rubber bodysuit w: black outline:markings: clear rubber (00): black rubber slippers: 5-mini-protrusioned head stubs of oh-so-carbonaceous black hair: clear rubber high-up ankle meeting pt. w: black outline clear (00): puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to här lips: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: (-CR)(00): pursed numb chapped lips: black rubber slippers: only for each one hä's fairly certain that hä's missing an additional monad or 2." 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(00) .. before long hä'll be popping up protrusions misformed growths like the best of them: sometime last month hä thinks hä had a birthday: or maybe not: this unwelcome image: .. their currents are defined by mathematical series accurately portraying cause-effect relationships at the most minute level: big fake hair over-wigged to perfection, yamabushi-at-large, pressure-pt. clear plastic mini-cylinder injections pop in:out at select pts. of ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)'s body from the anti-chöd armor: puts här black rubber mini-gloved hand to här lips: här clear rubber mask restricts här head tightly: big round eyes: (-CR)(00): pursed numb chapped lips: mini black round-topped metal screws bind the pieces of the clear polymeratomic armor intermittently: selecter-press: or as ueghuruomo_ueda(ii) likes to refer to himself, yamabushi-at-the-largeness: u_chrema slippers."

00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (CAMに記録) 「(00) すべてがキラキラ輝いている/ 私の周りに反射している/ だって、私は再びジャンプ、ジャンプ、ジャンプしてあなたを呼び出すからです。」 x.、dr.p.、あなたの顔に、または外へ SN(O)WY(FIELDS)/働き者/好奇心旺盛/検査 私の目は丸い/黒く透明なプラスチック/透明なプラスチック-透明なプラスチックの表面/青みがかった /白でなければ、insp.x.、あなたはあらかじめ与えられた野郎です/ミニ計算付き/(臨済録)/私の白い山伏装備に対するミニユーティリティベルト、反射/タイトな弱いコバルトブルーのフェイクファーハットミニ- コート.. 黒の上に白い鳥の模様が入った黒のミニチャップス 5つのミニチュアで丸めた髪/ タイトなゴム製の黒い手袋を着用/ モナディック波の洗練された校正のためのメカニズムを慎重に調整/ 顔は静かに反抗的/ 後ろで誇りを持っています 透明なゴム製マスク/透明なゴム製 (00) 膝まで/(-CR)(00) しびれを切った唇の荒れた口をぎこちなく動かす/黒いゴム製の u_chrema スリッパ。 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "phuma::みつ: プラスチックインフラの中心に中程度の灰色の垂直バンドがあり/中央のポンプ5の白いdr.p.に、 あなたはウサギです/それほどではありません/白い「何かが不気味になりつつあります。」/胸の前に黒い丸いボタン、白いショートパンツ黒い輪郭黒い重い目の周りの丸い円透明なプラスチックのマスク13の丸い頭- 作品/ 透明なプラスチック/磁器製の大きな椅子装置に座っています/ じっと見つめています .. 周囲を見回しています/ 13 の円形のヘッドピース/ 金属カップリング上の椅子装置に接続された 6 つの歪んだ抽象的な透明なプラスチックの突起が付いた透明なプラスチックの人形/ プラスチックの残骸/ 15 分間の客観的な反射/ カーペット/ ベッド/ バスルームのカウンタートップ/ 廊下はヤマウエレダ (ch.) の奥深くに埋もれている/ モナド戦争が爆発した/ ボカン! 太くて弱い超赤の半透明の 3 本の線 マスクの顔に集中します。」 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) ".. 白い人は、最近敗北した戦いの頂上に立って、雪が降るのを眺めながら、胸が張り裂けるような寒さに対してわずかに呼吸するのに苦労している/ ミニチュアの白塗りの鉄製ディナーテーブル ueghuruomo_ueda(ii)/ 六道編: ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): '(00)? は白藍、中ピンク青白、弱コバルトブルーの模様の陶器で、戦争理論の熱心な研究者でした。 .. 機械のカバーは次のように設定されました: 14 の (00) は正しい公理を導き出しましたが、ガラスの白い偽の (00)、白いセラミックの水差しを実現しました、それは最終的には強力なガラスの開発だけです 食器、(00_00) の 1/2 杯のボトル、モナディック マシンは、残り火の灰が数個入ったガラス灰皿のレートを可能にする可能性があります。W3: 「はい、計算/操作です。計り知れない複雑さです。まあ、0000 したいと思います。」 君は頭がおかしい。でも、おそらくこのプログラムは、0000 級に驚くべきものだろう。」 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(00) 弱い永久的な青い半不透明な円が、ヘッドピース/圧力ポイントの管状注射器の透明なプラスチック ボールの輪郭を描いています。 -chöd armour: selecter-pt.: Dr.y.(ii). それはうまくいきませんね。私はポーズの半分まで行っていました。しかし、装置は今所定の位置にあります。天気予報士だから Q 博士、U エンジンの支配的中心、__M. Ur-c.a.m.、.. 01SP. O. 地区は長い間死んでいました。最初の完全なモナディック補間。博士: 「あなたは現代で考えていますか?」 』 ueghuruomo_ueda(ii): 彼に手錠をかけるためにルールが変更されました。hä 「まだですか? もう終わっていると思っていました。」 博士: 「最後の 3 つはまだ彼に問題を与えています。

(*): (0)(0)