MONOGURUI phuma-bib: (GORYO)(ii)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(when everything is cleared to whiteness one sees inversion structures for what they are, circles folding in on themselves, but the root core primary point never changes, it always nets to 0: this is the pure point that u_ejento focus on when they pump their pharmaceuticals into their physical meat, a cheap chemical imitation perhaps of this pure material basis, filterd inward so far that it is not chemicals acting upon proteins): (u_ejento were reminded frequently at this time by outside participants of the function FUTOMAKI(_)(x) describing the probability that after x links have failed _ or more clusters have formed: FUTOMAKI(_)(x), etc.: clustering could be used, running this relationship in the reverse, to observe the invisible underlying pressures building up in a particular cell: u_ejento were then able to structure goryos so as to tap into this forward movement for steady substantive *production: in this way a pipeline formed from the upper uphic regions where many of these u_ejento were based, to the U(0) mini-pods, to the (00_u_iiii) point-flux cell, .. then finally commingling with the structured (00_00) product .. such: synthetics filtered the overflow out as this area became saturated: there were those, in hindsight, who advocated the use of individual-level models to replace the aggregate-level models used, but usually there is found to be little gain from such moves: one ends up tracking variations as opposed to the patterns they're springing forth from: micro-goryos, for measuring reverberations at their most incipient penetration, took the form of incentive imbalances arranged programmatically for the purpose of filtering out changes in movement in proto-phasm from their current flows)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii))((00))00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(but the inverse, something from inside the lipids that pushes outward perversely .. changes reality itself: 0000 you, .. 0000 your little myopias: they're nothing now: much study was given to the attempts by u_ejento to monitor .. channel the organisms commerce under their 'control' with counter-measures of a highly designatory nature: measures which varied between u_pulse changes, point-form in cyclostructure, .. changes to analytic structure: of course the evaluation or measurement of the madness is always retroactive: you don't observe it building up underneath surface: but you know, in the most perfectly defined clarity, just how big .. fearsome it has grown, .. all the little intricacies .. details of muscle .. tissue growth it has undergone over each specific moment preceding, at that moment that it emerges: one can only, at this one clear point, let go one's breath, .. perhaps say to oneself quietly, 'of course…, it was there all along': dr.y.(i)'s system of control points was the model for the control of u_flows: no one would seriously entertain the proposition of controlling these flows in their every movement along the path of their course through the system: but one could put into place measurement protocols at clearly defined control points through which, at some point, they would be sure to filter: the u_objects cell, in this sense, was the cosmic force that the assemblage was opened up on to: none of this would be possible, in practice, without the monadic cyclostructure that comes with the compound apparatus of u_op .. protoplasms): (y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) in manganese blue medium red .. white equipage .. __ in clear rubber bodysuit .. clear rubber head-mask, but a fold of rock among many: with lips pursed y_ueda(ii) smiles .. här 3-mini-circled prussian blue hair violently)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the wind howls against the rocks: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.): 'ganbarre!: I will not let you go': y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) with weary eyes: y_ueda(ii) whispers something in här ear: wearing a clear rubber head-mask hä turns .. walks away with yumi(no)gosuto: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s hand at här side slowly opens: yumi(no)gosuto: 'ha ha ha ha ha ha!': y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.) high above the cheishogu mouth open mutely screaming): (perhaps, in principle, a kind of non-compound apparatus could fill the same function, .. perhaps even with advances in projective information this will come to pass, but we are far from this now: u_ejento questioned what occurred when we failed to 'supersede the untruth of the object': in their system such unreconciled objects were treated as the emergence of phantom-objects, objects which could pass through their own un-truth into reality as understood .. experienced by consciousness: in this process, they detach from any foundational moorings in perception .. become inverted apperceptive inducements where their very failure to cohere forms the inner radiant core of their power: the system supposes the multi-agented community pushing out into the object-space, but u_ejento raised the question of the converse – a system in which multiple absolutes push back into the convergent space, as opp. to a single monotheistic entity: in such an object-space the idea of the convergence on the good becomes convergences on various versions of the good: where some would reconcile this effect via resorting to a concept of the 'best possible', u_ejento viewed the interactions as inherently competitive .. dynamic, .. missing any kind of pre-coded, or resolved, fabric: here, again, we come upon the notion of a multiplicity of op.flux equilibriums rather than one, each one determined ritualistically by the choice of 0-point: .. here it is a choice, by its very definition: u_ejento of such a mind reject coldly the recourse, or possibility of any kind of recourse, to an acceptance, or concession to forced fates, or inveitability of material or psychic interactions: this is the fundamental, underlying aufbau of their paranoiac obsession with their own guilt in respect to all outcomes: any sense of impotence in the formation of proto-phasm was rejected as merely one sub-form of this conceptual falling-short: proto-phasm ratios could not be dispensed of, from a sense of responsibility .. control, as merely the wavering appetites of the projector 'beasts' in play: one was bending them via open-cell operations dispersing the op.flux structure whether one acknowledged such or not: if one finds that one's injections are laying flat then one is surely designing their input from a quantity framework as opp. to a velocity framework, missing the inter-phase qualities of the velocity interactions, or, alternatively, the phase-shifts of the allocation of the proto-phasm, not to a single-channeled system, but rather to an inter-coordinated system of channels representing different points in either the future or the past: the compound can only come into its full cyclo-yamabushi from when it recognizes its intertwining with all *production, .. hence with all objects, in mirrored form, such that its proto-phasm formation is mapped, df, to every u_object in the cell: a recognition of this went hand in hand with an understanding of cyclo-intension mapping as a binding system repeating the failures of u_force-regimes in different form: the mysterious interactions of competing ../or aligned ch.-forms still define the big interregional moves in proto-phasm .. their fundamental behavior: proto-phasm flows behave roughly according to the principles of adoption models: (or those of infection, if one wants to put it more ominously): full of non-adopter pools (*-N(t)) .. related sub-pools, flowing back .. forth between one another: this is the pure point that u_ejento focus on when they pump their pharmaceuticals into their physical meat, a cheap chemical imitation perhaps of this pure material basis, filtered inward so far that it is not chemicals acting upon proteins): (canonical two-factor models with independent brownian motions: of course, what was more fruitful at times was to generate models filled with high volumes of independent factors but brownian functions which were coordinated with one another: every goryo had built into it frozen martingale processes at control points: this was the irrigation function component, pushing flows via boundary condition limits: these processes were constructed as mott insulators, locking the photons of a given u_objects position into place via the repulsion to one another being generated)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(this could be managed at the u_pulse level)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(if not carefully constructed the floating perturbations involved can dissipate out into a waveform wiping out whole large swaths of contingent positions: as a result, one u_ejento's failed u_pulse crystal, as they were habitually called, was a concern to them all: these positions were plotted out as scalars in matrices such that one's given goryo position could be mapped .. described based on its relative distance .. positioning to the u_pulse crystals .. other control points in the general vicinity, plotted as concentric gersgorin discs: each scalar in the plotting represented the positioning of the goryo relative to a nearby control point: your optimal flow could then be pushed forward via a regression: u_ejento regressions were consistently inverse in this way, pushing in from boundaries rather than pushing out from the center the way your regression normally would): ((__)((0_0) (re cold-base U_0)) here you started to get the kind of interwoven inversion structure that was popping up all over the (*)region during the buildup: these models were known for presenting large backdrops of noise offset against minimal sets of points of reverberation: the u_ejento recognized that a large measure of their control has been lost when inversion positions started merging with one another unprompted: they morphed .. inverted to the point of unrecognizability, driven by self-determining inter-relations that had not been anticipated or accounted for by the u_ejento themselves: the u_ejento saw their (u_00) disappearing altogether in ominous formations: if the space U were to be considered the set of possible scenarios for the future against an actual probability measure R)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in the models that they had constructed, what they were seeing instead amounted to the convergence of U upon a set (00_00) representing a kind of competing reality, one which a) would have had to have been considered impossible at the outset of the formation of the positions in question, .. b) appeared to represent, not so much possible scenarios, but rather inversions of the very (possible) formations they were intended to model: much of this could be accounted for, in retrospect, by the methods by which 0_0.objects were being used to impose forced minimization on various subsets of mini-*'s, the accumulated weight of which began to bear upon the whole: clearly, to an uncomfortable degree, the yamauereda(ch.) was pushing monad-pulse which, rather than transforming into proto-phasm, was disappearing altogether: there was an unacknowledged, .. uncontrolled, project in progress of the expunging of the (*)region's various synthetic u_objects in favor of that of the (00_u_iiii), but this was a responsibility that the (00_u_iiii) compound had only vaguely .. incompletely accepted: this was a weight, clearly, that no compound or cell could openly address without opening themselves up to being on the wrong end of protophotons: a well functioning u_objects cell allows for an outlet for a flow from the cell entirely, or, as productively, the interaction of churn between various synthetic structures: the early (0) *pulse introgression operated almost entirely on this premise, in the absence of a compound-imposed static proto-phasm: this pure floating regime allowed for a rubbery proto-phasm structure that produced effective growth until it was constrained .. shut down: much of this relied on channels of communication .. information packaging that previewed the current phantom mega-commuting convergence: in theory it should have continued to push forward against even all resistance)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(perhaps the dark intermundia incursion theories carry some weight: but it is important, also, to identify where the intentionality is coming from: the white cotton, pink .. blue floral patterned floor-dais: u_ejento had a healthy respect for the forces of reverberation, .. were carefully dismissive of calls for more orderly, restrained form of invisible stability: they could only view this as a kind of embrace of impotence, a turning away from forces which would redivert moandic channels, perhaps uncontrollably, but with associated massive influxes of budding powers: there was a retro-recognition of mass contact which changed the perspective on spatial exploration: the extent of the variety of beings inhabiting the regions we were coming into created new forms of expectation for general intelligence just as the notion of agi .. consciousness were decoupled, with consciousness recognized belatedly as a fundamental force underlying micro-interactions .. modal being deriving new forms to allow for communication .. engagement with a wide array of beings who we had long since inter-populated with without recognition: one little ding-punkt after another, ping, ping, ping: initially this came about via the onnagatomaton as principal contacts with .. intermediaries for these new beings .. cultures: the onnagatamota acknowledged that, though demands for peaceful co-existence provided partial motivation for these efforts, they were driven in large part simply by the abundance of untapped opportunities for monadic co-mingling that these areas represented: even though for hundreds of commutes the inability to sequester many of these regions had put pause on certain expansive efforts, the recognition that collaborative efforts with these new beings might put new momentum into play was viewed by your given onnagatomaton as an auspicious opportunity: some would, at times, even go so far as to wonder out loud whether, if its movements were already predicted comfortably in advance, did the yamauereda(ch.)'s actions have any effect at all: equally concerning, in regards to the yamauereda(ch.)'s powers of expansion of the monad-pulse reservoir if called upon to do so, were the mirrorings of its movements by far flung yamaueredas .. ejento: again, if the yamauereda(ch.)'s massive amounts of u_objects were simply converted to dispersed proto-phasm mim** .. subsequently minimized, then do these movements become effectively impotent: what is the ipseity in this context, then: probably there is no cleaner core perception of one's u_objects positions than a matrix filtration that connects nodally to given inputs: u_flows, by reversing back in from the future, had their modulation for variability built in: everything was both exterior .. interior, or neither: u_ejento saw their position as one of androgynous flaccid, even impotent, dispersal: as if they occupied the space between (00_00) .. (00_00))."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.OOOOO.ヤメグ(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) 「(ヤメグル(ii) här の手を後ろに引っ張る.. phideyuki(ii) を見上げ、här の位置が定かではない: här は här の透明なゴム製の御料スーツに触れ、här の体に近づけようとする." ((00)(00_) (00_00)( 00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(* によるサイクロインテンション マッピングに関して提起された問題は、その洗練されていない処理の結果として、数学的アクセラレータに下向きの勢いを押し込む役割である u_flux 質量の増加ではなく、生産量の減少に起因するサイクロインテンシオンの違い: u_0 が押し上げられたときに u が押し下げられたという事実は、このビューをサポートします..関係は、以前の反転の前の動作によってサポートされます: ほとんどの u_ejento は、_ から _0% の範囲での u の成長に満足していました: _ を下回ると、問題が発生します: u_ejento は、単項射影をモデル化するために循環シリーズを構築し、シリーズ内の各オブジェクトが他のオブジェクトを両方向に押し付けます。 : u 理論: ものぐるい (u)): (大きな透明なゴム製ポンチョが、白い山伏の装備の上に体の上にうねっています.. 2 つ編みの黒髪は、巨大で冷たい山の隙間の氷の覆いの上をはるかに進んでいます。 峡谷: 氷の下にある * 青い形をした球根状の無定形の筋肉.. ゆがんだ巨大な腫脹した肉: 唇が互いにしっかりと押し合う: ヤメグル (ii): フォローアップについて: här が見つかると合理的に期待できる場所は 1 つだけでした: 他のすべては除外できます: 私が倒錯、過ちとしてしか見ることのできないこの遊びに屈服すること:私の中の直感的なすべてが、合理的なレベルではなく、単に純粋な精神病的嫌悪感から、私をそれから遠ざけました。 存在の:「存在しないという仮説に耐える」ものを除外する..あなたは、物質的で内在的な現実の明確できれいな押し付けが残されています:これはあなたが言った方法ではありませんか?:私たちはあなたのために来ました 異常でした:あなたが飛び越えたあなたの発達のギャップは、おそらく、ユニークな特性をあなたに与えました:接続されていない意識を持つ存在は、あなたの宇宙の特定の領域に居住し、..居住しましたが、あなたの例外を除いて、そこから飛び降りたことはありません いくつかの世界よりも多くの世界: 存在の集団ディアスポラは、通常の状況では、mega_phurghur などの接続された意識の存在の特性です: 彼らの付加的でモジュール化された意識が塊に押し込まれ、集合的な存在により、境界条件としての複雑さを克服することができます 物質的な導管としての *動きの.. 切断された領域に到達するためにレベルアップする: しかし、何か異常が発生しました, あなたの場合: この脱臼は、おそらく、有機的な生殖工学機能の奇妙な欠如に起因すると考えられます. あなたの存在が単純な物質からジャンプすることを可能にするような細胞再生型の:この弱点は、おそらく、克服することが不可能な上向きの移動性に下向きのプッシュをもたらし、手段として伝播したはずです メカニズム、あなた自身とは別個の、接続されていない実体としての生成的な物質的意識の形態へのありそうもない生産的な経路:あなたの分散を遮断したのは、可能性の空白期の克服につながったこれらの努力でした:あなたの存在が存在しなくなった後、あなたの構造は続きました 変換のポイントを超えて非常に加速する: 彼らはあなた自身の物質的存在の形態で遊び始め、クローン化されたミミビーイングとして、最初の場所でそれらを形成するように導いた生産的な衝動をあなたに押し戻しました: あなたの物質 このコンジットを介して再出現した存在は、サイクロポテンシャル分散へのプロキシによってあなたのために作られたジャンプを持っていました.. モナド制御: したがって、あなたは私たちの目的のためにユニークに実行可能であることがわかったu-変換の能力を開発しました.. 私たちはあなたに手を差し伸べました: おそらく私はあなたのことが好きになりました, やめぐる(ii): 私は自分自身が受け入れている..あなたとの私の婚約を進める上での彼らの役割のおかげでこれらの進展を承認さえしている.. あなたが戻ってきたことを嬉しく思います:ヤメグル(ii)、私はあなたにこれを提供します:あなたが*存在のマッピングを再構築しようとするとき..彼らの動きを理解しようとして、非現実的なハイパー-に注意を向けてください- 係数としての役割に関する限り、複雑な 0: これらの世界の力の多くは、それらのプロセスの形態のガイダンスとして、係数の単なるマイナーな ur-controls に染み込んでいます: すべての係数は、1 つの未来の世界から別の世界へのマッピングです。)."