MONOGURUI chushingura-dress: (PLDVR)

$40.00 - $1,930.00


(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(with the same basic framework of a bed, a small kitchen, a (00_00)-room, .. a work table: they were lit with the dull white reverberated light from cross-patches: occasionally if coordination were need multiple u_agent would meet around the work table, though this was uncommon: there was a period where yagao_ueda(ii) was arranging to meet with yagao_ueda(ii) in a particular u-station on a regular basis: usually hä arrived before hä did, but here hä was, sitting at the edge of the table with white rubber snow equipage .. ice boots, drinking tea, looking over här as one would an object one was considering purchasing: hä remembered noticing that här hands were vibrating uncharacteristically as hä arranged the (00_00): it was only later when they got to work on the (00_00) that hä realized that they weren't alone: (00_00) was there watching: it was the inside part of här wrist, in particular, that had captured här attentions .. grabbed hold of här, such that it was not perhaps constricting här breathing .. pounding här heart-muscle: somehow hä felt that if hä could put this very part of här body against här hä could achieve a permanent calm: the principle of indifference could be misused to allow for constructions that posited particular initial ur-sets for a process, such that there was little effective filtering remaining over their sequences: bulbous generative formations developed with these methods could slow down whole mini-fields, .. one could only very carefully dampen .. reverse them, usually through manual progressive mini-adjustments over the course of months: some u_agent would justify these methods as 'subjective allocations' but yagao_ueda(ii) felt firmly that they were inefficient at best, or more generally corrosive)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(there were pivot points set up throughout the oscillatory matrices whereby the u_agent could tie in .. or redirect a current conveniently: this had the effect of reducing the impact of spatial distances, such that one could calculate one's flows by a sequence of nodal points or sub-stations required in the interstitial space: in some ways the u_agent's work was about tying off .. closing gaps or, in other cases, pushing them open forcefully: CERN(ii): myghuigen had told här of all the rumours current about the affair: so that there could be no talk of their going to their apartment as yet: '.. in point of fact, ghost_face,' added myghuigen, 'you must allow that they could hardly have stayed here, considering that they knew of all that went on at your place, .. in the face of your daily visits to their apartment, visits which you insisted upon making in spite of their refusal to see you': 'yes—yes, quite so: you are quite right: I wished to see myako:phuma(ii), you know!' said yagao_ueda(ii), nodding här head: 'oh, my dear,' cried myghuigen, warmly, with real sorrow in här voice, 'how could you permit all that to come about as it has?: of course, of course, I know it was all so unexpected: I admit that you, only naturally, lost your head, ..—.. could not stop the dumb girl: that was not in your power: I quite see so much: but you really should have understood how seriously hä cared for you: hä could not bear to share you with another: .. you could bring yourself to throw away .. shatter such a diamond!: oh, ghost_face, ghost_face!': 'yes, yes, you are quite right again,' said the poor ghost_face, in anguish of mind: 'I was wrong, I know: but it was only myako:phuma(ii) who looked on britney spears(ii) so: no one else did, you know': 'but that's just the worst of it all, don't you see')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('that there was absolutely nothing serious about the matter in reality!' cried myghuigen, beside härself: 'excuse me, ghost_face, but I have thought over all this: I have thought a great deal over it: I know all that had happened before: I know all that took place six months since: .. I know there was nothing serious about the matter, it was but fancy, smoke, fantasy, distorted by agitation, .. only the alarmed jealousy of an absolutely inexperienced girl could possibly have mistaken it for serious reality': here myghuigen quite let härself go, .. gave the reins to här indignation: clearly .. reasonably, .. with great psychological insight, hä drew a picture of yagao_ueda(ii)'s past relations with britney spears(ii). myghuigen always had a ready tongue, but on this occasion här eloquence, surprised härself: 'from the very beginning,' hä said, 'you began with a deception: what began with a deception was bound to end with a deception: such is the law of nature: I do not agree, in fact I am angry, when I hear you called a autistic: you are far too intelligent to deserve such an epithet: but you are so far strange as to be unlike others: that you must allow, yourself: now, I have come to the conclusion that the basis of all that has happened, has been first of all your innate inexperience (remark the expression 'innate,' ghost_face): then follows your unheard-of innocence: then comes your absolute want of sense of proportion (to this want you have several times confessed): .. lastly, a mass, an accumulation, of conceptual convictions which you, in your unexampled pureness of mind, accept unquestionably as also innate .. natural .. true: admit, ghost_face, that in your relations with britney spears(ii) there has existed, from the very first, something democratic, .. the fascination, so to speak, of the 'dark woman'?')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "('I know all about that obscene scene at britney spears(ii)'s house when yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) brought the money, six months ago: I'll show you yourself as in a looking-glass, if you like: I know exactly all that went on, in every detail, .. why things have turned out as they have: you thirsted, while in switzerland, for your home-country, for the urakuomori: you read, doubtless, many books about the urakuomori, excellent books, I dare say, but hurtful to you: .. you arrived here: as it were, frozen with longing: then, on the very day of your arrival, they tell you a melodramatic story of a hurt woman: they tell you, a man, pure .. without reproach, this tale of a madwoman!: the same day you actually see här: you are attracted by här beauty, här fantastic, almost demoniacal, beauty—(I admit här beauty, of course)": the state was dismantled into 6 quasi-independent modules on the model of the institution of the central bank, each responsible for its own area of service respectively : i) social welfare (housing:food): ii) healthcare: ii) peace force (military/police:agriculture): iv) university system (education:training): v) research: vi) central bank (monetary policy:infrastructure): u_agents were equipped with an app on their iphones for pattern arrangement, which functioned as a kind of bead counting process, which tied directly into the computing structure for goryo mapping, for pattern recognition .. formation: medium red, light blue, pink, light red, white, .. medium blue circles would float over the screen .. the user would push them into _-circled collocations around a central node, with each formed unit becoming a new node: color patterns matched up to an array of evolving beats: there seemed to be invisible forces at work beneath the surface)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(such that the coherance between market flows were breaking down, or, rather, that a new previously unobserved order of coherance was being grafted on to the existing flows: (u)phor: _-type currency developed by YAMAUEREDA: type _ (u)phor is generated by u_agents for credit expansion: type _ (u)phor is managed as a rising nominal anchor, floating against type _: (u)phor was issued to member international government agencies .. was convertible to foreign currencies on demand: (u)phor of type _ served as the unit pushing forward .. backward across goryos, or, as the u_agents put it, 'passing over the great beyond': financial crises, by their very nature, are the process by which equilibrium shift occurs in the financial markets, for good or for bad: YAMAUEREDA, over the course of its development, took responsibility .. management of aggregate demand as its fundamental mission, with the idea being to push equilibrium into optimally productive regions in a more powerful .. controlled manner than the historically stochastic reverb that the capitalist body has become accustomed to: little care was given to employment directly: to the extent that it was mentioned it was on the assumption that it would naturally flow as a function of production .. would ultimately be overridden by moves in wealth distribution one way or the other: as such the wage stagnation from _00_ to _00_ was viewed circumspectly, with the only direct concern directed toward the pursuit of sufficient credit expansion as production increased: commercial paper rates were pushed to abnormal lows, dropping from _._% to _._%, to preserve the gap in respect to declining long term rates, a gap recognized as having the potential to clamp down at this time)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(ベッド、小さなキッチン、(00_00)-部屋、.. 作業台の同じ基本的な枠組み: それらは、クロスパッチからの鈍い白い反響光で照らされていました: 調整が必要な場合は、複数の u_agent が作業の周りに集まります。これは珍しいことでしたが、yagao_ueda(ii) が定期的に特定の u ステーションで yagao_ueda(ii) と会うように手配していた時期がありました: 通常、hä は hä よりも先に到着しましたが、ここでは hä が座ってテーブルの端に白いゴム製のスノー装備.. アイス ブーツ、お茶を飲みながら、購入を検討しているオブジェクトを眺めるように、här を見下ろしていました: hä は、här が (00_00) を配置したときに、här の手が特徴のない振動をしていることに気づいたことを思い出しました:後で彼らが (00_00) に取り掛かるようになって初めて、彼らは一人ではないことに気づきました: (00_00) はそこにいて見ていたのです: 特に手首の内側の部分でしたhär の注目を集めていた lar .. här をつかみ、おそらく här の呼吸を妨げないように .. här の心臓の筋肉をドキドキさせました。恒久的な静けさ: 無関心の原則を悪用して、プロセスの特定の初期の ur-set を仮定した構造を可能にする可能性があります。その結果、それらのシーケンスに対して効果的なフィルタリングがほとんど残っていません: これらの方法で開発された球根状の生成形成は、ミニ全体を遅くする可能性があります。 -fields, .. 非常に慎重に減衰させることしかできませんでした.. それらを元に戻すことは、通常、数か月にわたる手動の段階的な微調整によって行われます: u_agent の中には、これらの方法を「主観的な割り当て」として正当化する人もいますが、yagao_ueda(ii) は、それらがそうであると固く感じていました。 (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)( 00_00))(ii): "(ピボットポイントが設定されていましたu_agentが電流を便利に結びつけるか、またはリダイレクトすることができる振動行列を無視してください。間隙: ある意味では、u_agent の仕事はギャップを埋めることでした..ギャップを埋めたり、他の場合にはそれらを力強く押し開いたりすることでした: CERN(ii): myghuigen は、この事件について現在流行っているすべての噂について här に話しました:彼らが彼らのアパートに行くことについてはまだ話していません. , .. 彼らのアパートへのあなたの毎日の訪問に直面して, 彼らがあなたに会うことを拒否したにもかかわらず、あなたが主張した訪問. (ii)、あなたが知っている!」と yagao_ueda(ii) は言いました。アー」とミグイゲンは温かく、ハールの声に本当の悲しみを込めて叫んだ。当然のことながら、頭を失いました..—.. 口のきけない女の子を止めることはできませんでした: それはあなたの力ではできませんでした:あなたは別の人と: .. あなたは自分自身を捨てることができます.. そのようなダイヤモンドを粉砕することができます!: ああ、ゴーストフェイス、ゴーストフェイス! : 「私が間違っていたことはわかっています: でも、ブリトニー スピアーズ(ii) を見たのは myako:phuma(ii) だけだったので: 他の誰も見ていませんでした」: (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))( ii): 「(『実際には、この件に関して重大なことは何もなかったと! 、ghost_face、しかし、私はこれらすべてについて考えました: 私はそれについて多くのことを考えました: 私は以前に起こったことをすべて知っています: 私はそれから6か月後に起こったことをすべて知っています:それは空想、煙、ファンタジー、動揺によって歪められた.. まったく経験のない少女の警戒された嫉妬だけが、それを深刻な現実と間違えた可能性があります。明らかに.. 合理的で.. 優れた心理的洞察力を持って、hä は yagao_ueda(ii) と britney spears(ii) との過去の関係の絵を描きました。 myghuigen はいつも口が固かったが、今回はその雄弁さに自分自身を驚かせた。自然の法則: 私は同意しません。実際、私はあなたが自閉症と呼ばれるのを聞くと腹が立ちます: あなたはそのような形容詞に値するほど頭が良すぎます: しかし、あなたはそうです)."