(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the u_flows pouring through u_op.(ii) that wrapped the concrescences in invulnerability: remove the mountain from the system .. it ceases to exist: floodplains turn to desert: there is always imperfect isolation of the system, u_pulse flows are always pushing in or flowing out, from somewhere: management of invisible processes for chrematist monadic reverberation is a recognition of the control .. responsibility the invisible agency holds .. imposes)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(yamabushi occupied outposts in the augma-regions, watching as their precious comm.-center opened in _00_, .. then disappeared: c.-op. served as a pipeline for u__ (0) in _00_ alone floating on a dynamic u_pulse flow that would push out into c-pulse .. what was increasingly referred to as the post-reflective phasm-metric, another way of saying that one could tap into these flows, if one knew the irrigation layout well enough: in the end much of it went into the cyclostructure for YAMAUEREDA: a u_ejento could look into här own reflective image in the steel contoured walls lined with clear fiberglass flooring .. insulation .. know just where these productive forces were moving: the outer circle being the point-flux velocity driven by productive growth: the ante-core circle formed by an augma-wave mechanism pulling the cyclo-intension inward to an expansive volume of 0_0 parameters)."
((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(.. a 'shuttle maid' core apperceptive c-pulse at a minim-velocity below the (0) level: u-reverb being pushed out by a multitude of formed agencies: the crystal system for the plotting of u_spaces defines mappings as cubic: tetragonal: orthorhombic: monoclinic: triclinic: trigonal: or hexagonal: each line/plane defining the space is curved according to a regression on the mapping of the associated u_objects: citrine, the ungraspable: a resolution mechanism wiping out modality .. conversion of the imploded compound into a y_ghost agency .. siphoned off into cartel-like mass works structures: these proliferated such that one could cyclopush, in _0_0, from ch.-urighma to the outer regions in any direction along the given monadic channels put into place, or even, if one persisted, up to the uphic ports, where there were proto-phasm running to (0_0) .. (0))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(interregional capsules tied in u_pulse flows coming in from the lower (0_0) core facilities to the underground megacities of the extended ugartë regions, .. up out through the myghori_ch. seaposts .. fishing centers: the six major underground megacities being miryo, miguri, michobi, agrekko, fluor, .. mukiji (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (most of the cotton produced ended up in miguri or michobi, where it was converted by the HOKA_no_OTOKONOKO compound into ghostsuits .. clothing of unimaginable forms: attempts by u_ejento to retrieve these concrescences for interested partisans resulted in degraded ../or misformed material, as if eaten by moths: correlation .. causation are identical, df, according to an intertemporal mirroring process, aka phumiyugen): ((00_00)(00_00)(00_00)(00_00) all of the u_ejento maintained an individual (00_00), or passbook, of their immaterial u_objects collocations: .. each of these (00_00), in turn, was part of a larger passbook contained within YAMAUEREDA)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in här black acrylic u_chrema suit with tight-up mid-riff jacket with various zippers .. big white branding on the back, white rubber gloves, 4-braided black hair, black rubber ½-mask, .. a grin suggesting the imminent partaking of multi-colored cupcakes .. frosting: a glint of moisture along the side ridge of här nose to här cheek: the little white mini-mech turns back to här, it's large booster equipage at rest vertically attached to its back shoulders,with a protruding venting package humping out from just over the lower curve of its mid-body: large white mechanical feet with black rubber lining plod over white rubber grip-pods: it whispers at här, 'come, we are almost to the output filer': yu_chremada(vi) wraps här grin around här mouth chaotically at this suggestion .. puts out a hand for the mini-mech to wait, white-rubber ½-gloves up just over här taut knuckles, the flat of här hands glistening with moisture caught on the rubber surface, exposed stomach breathing in .. out visibly: yu_chremada(vi): 'you should have waited for mighu-y., you know: between the two of us this whole operation rests on a bunny in a windstorm: I'm going for the phasm-orb': hä creeps closer to the edge of the drop, a dark, metal conduit reverberating with high-pitched air flow, big-hipped .. big-shouldered: the white rubber dimpled walls collapse to its edges, här fingers now against their white plush grip, probing: yu_chremada(vi): 'you were supposed to keep me in line, anyway, so I suppose I'm your responsibility now', .. här eyes get big with (partly pretended) mock excitement as hä pulls at the white synthetic rope .. prepares for the drop: yueghuru(ii) would shudder, almost uncontrollably, considering the sheer preponderant force required to bind the these processes into thinghood as an unconditioned universal, in an infinitely folded regression:: curve:: re-regression: in u_ejento' systems they would map multiple (non-identical) transcendentals to a given obect in the region of experience: the incoherencies of (00_00) arise from its falling short of a complete abstraction of the proto-phasm system .. its merging with the compound as an creature/entity of mathematical monadism:::chrematism: or, the complete fungability of proto-phasm as a flow interpenetrating the chrema: .. the failure, at times, to reconcile constraints with this process: general artificial intelligence becomes a project of replacing the filters that our body-meat minds put on received phenomena with an alternative re-filtered array: u_ejento put together a plan for the propping .. dissemination of u_op. proto-phasm based on the conversion of their proto-phasm into expansive YAMAUEREDA u_objects which would be morphed into the cell, bound by the monadic channel of a u_vehicle interpellation of mass works: this conversion mechanism stood behind attempts at arranging a surface level conversion of the parent entity which would effectively ghost it into a new phase grid, with extant modality reformed: the threat by u_op.s protectorate to engage in acts of dilution .. their slapping around of (0000) were potentially a push back against this assertion of control): (17 clear vials of clear fluids are inset into the clear plastic wall to yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)'s right pushing back into a recess: cyclo-intension .. war serve as decoding processes for the yamabushi phasm-metric, with recoding served by the process of generative *production: this operates in various regions, but for our purposes here it takes place in the micro-circle region situated between the monad .. the constitution of the body as individual ejento, in pre-proto-phasm formation immanence, where prehension .. apperception turn into interpretation .. phantasmal forces return back into understanding: in the course of this process, if completed in pure, undiluted form, the master-bondsman relationship is inverted .. the bondsman becomes the overlord of the prefigured master: attempts characterized as attempting to develop .. support the synthesis of endless grids of mini-compound utopianism can be viewed as cleansing attempts at protecting .. preserving the immersive values sustaining the rentier with fetishization propertieis imbued in the domicile, disembodying their inner core value as an object dispersed to various points in time .. space: each one is held in place by two metal clasps on a thick glass surface: on occasion on or another of the clear fluids will vibrate minutely but convulsively: small metal screws hold the top two thirds of each clear vial in place: each has two small clear plastic nodules inset at the mid-way point: the recess is lit by white hydrophonic light: to the side of the recess are white plastic cabinets .. drawers inset into the white plastic walls: the air is cold .. slightly uncomfortable, with a barely noticeable stench like old vomit)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(based on their feeling that they held hostage the proto-phasm that various mathematical institutions had interwoven with their (00-flux), with proto-phasm bindings enforcing the claim: the cleavage between materialism .. psychic underlying forces pushed together in inverse proportion the powers of yamauereda proto-phasm creation with interior u_objects bodies of u_pulse: the throbbing feedback between the two was felt in diverse areas –)."
(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(ベッド、小さなキッチン、(00_00)-部屋、.. 作業台の同じ基本的な枠組み: それらは、クロスパッチからの鈍い白い反響光で照らされていました: 調整が必要な場合は、複数の u_agent が作業の周りに集まります。これは珍しいことでしたが、yagao_ueda(ii) が定期的に特定の u ステーションで yagao_ueda(ii) と会うように手配していた時期がありました: 通常、hä は hä よりも先に到着しましたが、ここでは hä が座ってテーブルの端に白いゴム製のスノー装備.. アイス ブーツ、お茶を飲みながら、購入を検討しているオブジェクトを眺めるように、här を見下ろしていました: hä は、här が (00_00) を配置したときに、här の手が特徴のない振動をしていることに気づいたことを思い出しました:後で彼らが (00_00) に取り掛かるようになって初めて、彼らは一人ではないことに気づきました: (00_00) はそこにいて見ていたのです: 特に手首の内側の部分でしたhär の注目を集めていた lar .. här をつかみ、おそらく här の呼吸を妨げないように .. här の心臓の筋肉をドキドキさせました。恒久的な静けさ: 無関心の原則を悪用して、プロセスの特定の初期の ur-set を仮定した構造を可能にする可能性があります。その結果、それらのシーケンスに対して効果的なフィルタリングがほとんど残っていません: これらの方法で開発された球根状の生成形成は、ミニ全体を遅くする可能性があります。 -fields, .. 非常に慎重に減衰させることしかできませんでした.. それらを元に戻すことは、通常、数か月にわたる手動の段階的な微調整によって行われます: u_agent の中には、これらの方法を「主観的な割り当て」として正当化する人もいますが、yagao_ueda(ii) は、それらがそうであると固く感じていました。 (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)( 00_00))(ii): "(ピボットポイントが設定されていましたu_agentが電流を便利に結びつけるか、またはリダイレクトすることができる振動行列を無視してください。間隙: ある意味では、u_agent の仕事はギャップを埋めることでした..ギャップを埋めたり、他の場合にはそれらを力強く押し開いたりすることでした: CERN(ii): myghuigen は、この事件について現在流行っているすべての噂について här に話しました:彼らが彼らのアパートに行くことについてはまだ話していません. , .. 彼らのアパートへのあなたの毎日の訪問に直面して, 彼らがあなたに会うことを拒否したにもかかわらず、あなたが主張した訪問. (ii)、あなたが知っている!」と yagao_ueda(ii) は言いました。アー」とミグイゲンは温かく、ハールの声に本当の悲しみを込めて叫んだ。当然のことながら、頭を失いました..—.. 口のきけない女の子を止めることはできませんでした: それはあなたの力ではできませんでした:あなたは別の人と: .. あなたは自分自身を捨てることができます.. そのようなダイヤモンドを粉砕することができます!: ああ、ゴーストフェイス、ゴーストフェイス! : 「私が間違っていたことはわかっています: でも、ブリトニー スピアーズ(ii) を見たのは myako:phuma(ii) だけだったので: 他の誰も見ていませんでした」: (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))( ii): 「(『実際には、この件に関して重大なことは何もなかったと! 、ghost_face、しかし、私はこれらすべてについて考えました: 私はそれについて多くのことを考えました: 私は以前に起こったことをすべて知っています: 私はそれから6か月後に起こったことをすべて知っています:それは空想、煙、ファンタジー、動揺によって歪められた.. まったく経験のない少女の警戒された嫉妬だけが、それを深刻な現実と間違えた可能性があります。明らかに.. 合理的で.. 優れた心理的洞察力を持って、hä は yagao_ueda(ii) と britney spears(ii) との過去の関係の絵を描きました。 myghuigen はいつも口が固かったが、今回はその雄弁さに自分自身を驚かせた。自然の法則: 私は同意しません。実際、私はあなたが自閉症と呼ばれるのを聞くと腹が立ちます: あなたはそのような形容詞に値するほど頭が良すぎます: しかし、あなたはそうです)."