

00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(they originally focused on land reclamation system/ water conservancy works: the u_ejento, while not engaged in engineering works, were encouraged to grow crops in military colonies: black proto-plasm was pulled tightly over soft bulges .. padding against här head .. distinct points of här body, tied off by black rubber straps: exposed gray flesh in between these plush-points pulsed quietly .. calmly with här breath against the imposed pressure: här bare shoulders glistened in the white light: hä approached slowly, in implied perturbed gravitational pull, as if falling back into a trance disintegrating material mappings .. implications .. the taking control of här body by alien forces: a small u_chrema logo decal was pasted to här little curving belly, bouncing just slightly with each step: the mega_phurgur were found to be using the u_ejento' u_point-matrices in (0_0) as augmented synapse repositories, bound to them as extensions of the proteins of their mental processes to expand their powers: cytoplasm entities were grown in vast colonies until they covered much of the u_verse .. were submerged in the oceans, co-linked with these mega_phurgur processes: human bodies were seeded into these protein masses .. incorporated into virtual worlds, generated .. maintained by the imagined sub-processes of the mega_phurgur, of huge scope, encompassing civilizations .. populations of a multitude of expanding star systems, where power .. entropic force functioned as a product of the processing power pulled in for their formation .. developments from these moist white glilstening uber-microsomic forms pushing into the crevices .. mountains of the u_verse like a pungent mold growth: the ugartë .. ugartë of these uber-future civilizations acted in full cognizance of the fact that their material worlds had been replaced by immaterial fantasy-constructs, but this did little to change the human interpersonal dynamics at either a micro or macro level for mankind: entropic struggles .. wars persisted, pushed out at a scale without material limitations, but bound simply by the limit velocities of information flows: individual lifespans were constrained only by their ability to control .. pull in these information flows, but continued to ebb .. flow as they always had: the shuttle maids(1-500), ranging from 20 to 00* proliferated .. pushed proto-phasm expansion: virtually all of it pushed into (00-flux) with tightly defined interpulse controls, pushing high reverb into this mass, almost like an alternative op. point_waves cell where offsetting obligations could coagulate: floating c-pulse ingressions of both op.-yamaueredas(::) .. polders were pushed into newly formed futures exchanges where they would mirror (00-flux) .. other u_objects concrescences: for the major u_continuums this meant, in practice, that the vast majority of their proto-phasm ingressions were crossing over their borders, finding cyclo-ship .. point-form opportunities in the most obscure regions): (yagamute-ch.: 'there is only the one material body, or bodies, in the universe, dear: the monads: .. they are just imaginary points, a convenient coordinate system for the forces that hold between them: it is these forces that form our reality, that form our bodies: hold on to this: everything else will ultimately slip away: you'll turn to grip it at your moment of darkness, .., poof(!), it will be gone': ykiru-ph.: 'what is this project you wanted to discuss?': yagamute-ch. hovers into somber repose for a moment: yagamute-ch.: 'ah, …: not a project so much: a personal matter'): (in a dim room the cold dark grey opaque visor covers the upper half of ykiru-ph.'s face: hä sub-vocalizes 'print()' .. it comes up in crisp black sans serif on the overlay: 'you should just be grateful you are still alive': but I suppose this is true for all of us, hä imagines with dark humor: it becomes a process of changing phase-space density, bending it form y.i to y.u until it is unrecognizable: the passage of time being just one deformation after another: I am not causing this to happen: I am being deformed: I am a rubbery plane of curves .. contours being pushed .. pulled by forces inconceivable to me, just outside the range of any potential perception: but, of course, one says the categories push past this boundary: I suppose we've embraced the consequences of this aside, this neglected intuitive grasping of other, unpursued passageways, that affords us entrance to foreign, alien planes: one can always find one's way back, one deceives oneself: I am become a center: I am become a self-orientation: I am a coordinate system for fuzzy phase-spaces arriving from the future, .. other directions: I probably should have pushed back harder: acceptance is for the meek): (yagamute-ch. looks over .. här eyes drift off: yagamute-ch.: 'ah, yes, ….': hä drifts off into sleep, här heavy breaths pushing här body .. the clear fluid: ykiru-ph. waits patiently for a few minutes .. then gets up cautiously from the chair: hä runs här hand over the white waiting towels, their soft bumps: with one more backward look passing over yagamute-ch. .. the ripples passing from här through the clear fluid surface, ykiru-ph. walks back into the dim passageway at the rear of the room: at its end are two white doors .. hä passes through the first to the right, bringing här into a kitchen space with white fluorescent light .. metal appliances, .. hä opens a couple of metal cabinets .. begins to make herself some tea, with practiced, unconscious movements: a large window sliding-door opens out on to a little polymer-plasma balcony looking over the polymer-plasma grounds with inset empty irrigation channels: ykiru-ph.: 'house-op., are you there?': house-op.: 'yes, ykiru-ph.?': ykiru-ph.: 'could you tell me about this project that yagamute would like me to look into for här?': assume bodies without extension: let us think of them as attached to forms of consciousness: would we describe them as imbued with intentionality?: the purity of statistical mechanics, as a machine for convergence on equilbrium, belies the challenges of defining equiibrium itself, which is taken more or less a given: can we justify this?: what does it mean for one phase-state to be in equilibrium relative to another: comparative equilibria are difficult to conceptualize without first establishing a coordinate system which, at least implicitly, fixes the terms of engagement of the points of the state, .. implies the forces between them as a measure of 'closeness' to another given phase-point: the movement toward a given terminal phase-state as the equiibrium state is then given as a function of the presumed directionality of changes to the phase-state as given by the coordinate system, as free variables imbuing the process with a define momentum: once you've set up your probability space the 'most likely' outcome of the functions you lay over it come out in circular fashion: thus are we are as likely to find ourself far from any given phase-state which might be subsequently conceived as equilibrium, prior to defining it, particularly if the process itself of putting the coordinate system into place is to be thought of as a projection forwards (from the phase-state where we are now) (to another distinct phase-state): (for the mega_funj the process of metamorphosis was one of complete implosion, point by point, of one's material body: each equation rewritten to reflect the effect of each wave such that the jump in the characteristic variable placed one precisely in the cross-mapping of the temporal fold desired: they used to travel along the rivers in the guise of yose performers: this was the cheap trick that they all yearned for): (vague though this sounds, it was perfectly comprehensible to y_ueghuru(ii), though hä knew that it was but a feeble expression of här sensations: that there was, indeed, perfection in those abnormal moments, that they contained the highest crystallisation of understanding, hä could not doubt, nor even admit the possibility of doubt)." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(so, for example, where an increase u-reverb might be suggested by observers to represent an increased accommodation on the part of ejento for future growth, u_ejento suggested that the u_pulse was itself pushing growth forward as a propagated force, .. commented on the observed correlation between an expansion of expansive proto-phasm volume with such an effect as evidence for its being, at least theoretically, manageable)."

10. SHOPPING-CHIC (ヘーが世界を征服するアンガーの夢)

アンガーはブラウンの建物の白い廊下を、心配そうな目をした目で丸く走ります。 実際、これらの奥の廊下はジャージーシティのすべての建物を接続しており、ウンガーは特定のアイテムを探して自分自身によって預けられていることに気づきました。 白い滑りやすい足がプラスチックの床を激しく叩く:「ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt ptt-」白い金属製のドアで立ち止まって、黒い輪郭の金属製のヒンジで耳にした何か..中程度 灰色の文字「r.f.」 .. は、小さなガラスのアイホールに静かに近づきます。
イングリッド (här の背後にいる見えない誰かに向けて): ha. その愚かな音楽をオフにします。 あなたがすることは話すことだけです、ただあなたの大きな口を閉じてください:何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか、何とか。 .. bu、uf、wandero、exa、op、a あなたは私に声をかけ続けます.. あなたは続けます.. 私はそれが好きです。 .. あなたは私の友人の家に来ます.. あなたは私の犬を蹴ります! 衛兵を呼びます。 わかりました、さようなら… em it frif et ob, ec, omf, bye.
イングリッドは、白い正方形のノースリーブのグレーのドレスを着ています..各正方形には黒いステンシル文字があります..彼らは物語を綴っています:「誰かが強い恨みを感じながら殺されれば、その人の幽霊は復讐することができるでしょう. 殺人者. これは山伏が知っていた. ハは非常に穏やかに答えた,- ほとんど愛撫.
イングリッドは、白い..灰色の模様のシーツを敷いたハーのベッドに腰を下ろし、ハーの胃を開けてハーの機械的内臓を調べ、ハーのグレーのドレスのボタンを外し、次の言葉で言いました。 死んだ.しかし、あなたが言っていることを信じるのは難しいです.あなたの頭が切り取られた後、あなたの大きな恨み*の兆候を私たちに示してくれませんか?」 「よろしい」と男は答えた.「よろしい」と山伏は長刀を抜いて言った.「あなたの頭を切り落とします.あなたの目の前に飛び石があります.あなたの頭が切られた後. 飛び石を噛んでみてください.もしあなたの怒っている幽霊があなたを助けることができるなら,私たちの何人かはおびえているかもしれません....あなたは石を噛んでみますか?」 「私はそれをかみます!」 「噛むぞ!*噛むぞ*」閃光、パシャッ、カチカチという音がした:縛られた体が米袋の上に屈み、米袋から2つの血*ジェットが噴き出した. 首が短くなった:* .. 頭が丸くなった…"
それは、ウンガーがハールの視点から理解できる限りのことです。 hä は独り言を言いながら廊下をゆっくりと歩き続けます。
unger: わかりません。うまくいっていますか? 私は何をするつもりですか? たわごと。 miyabë は私に向いていると思います。 あるいはそうではないかもしれません。 ハはとても信頼しています。 なんてこったクリットが疑っていますが、私はそれを知っています。 わかりました、まあ、少なくとも endre は折り目に入っています.. claas かもしれませんが、それはそれほど信頼できるようには見えません。 クソフジマ! どうやって吹き飛ばしたの?! それはどれほど簡単でなければなりませんか? ハーにとって簡単にレイアウトされています。 くそ、どうやって元に戻すんだ。 .. miyabë をロックダウンした状態で。 最初に問題を解決する必要がありますが、問題はありますが、それは自動的に行われます。 弦が多すぎて指が足りない。 それを解き放つために最後の瞬間まで待たなければなりませんでした。
hä は部屋 (0)48 を静かにノックします。

徹底的に武装した 20 人の兵士が、ケシ畑に棺を並べます。 彼らはピンクのエポレットが付いたマンガンブルーのユニフォームを着ています.. ライフルが背中にぶら下がっていました. それらのいくつかは、認識できない曲を自分自身にハミングしています。 それらのすべてが少し退屈に見えます..一般的な感情は、後悔ではなく、悔い改めの1つです.
unger: よし、みんな、家に帰ろう。
教皇の携帯電話がアンガーを待ち、運転手は崇拝の念を持ってあらゆる動きを見守っています。 アンガーは防弾ガラスのケージに足を踏み入れ..車両の後ろに大隊で並んでいる兵士を見渡します。 彼らが終わると、出発の合図が出されます.. ローマ法王の携帯車は、戦いに疲れた地上部隊の行進隊の前でゆっくりと運転します. 演壇に取り付けられた大型スピーカーから、彼らに向かって言葉が投影されます。
unger: 仲間の革命家として、私たちは団結しなければなりません。 メンドーサ将軍がハール犯罪の代償を払う!
unger は、見事に決定された自信に満ちた姿勢で、やや不穏なほどやせ細った胸郭側に här の手を置きます。
unger: no estes che gondelay. すべてのカーペットバッガーに死の達成を完全に達成するまで、私たちは戦い続けなければなりません. この世界へのカーペットバゲトリーの流入は、真の流行となっています. 私たちがそれと戦わなければ、誰が戦うのですか? 私たちが戦わなければ、誰が戦う? 私は尋ねる。
兵士: 誰もいない!!!
unger: はい! 私は自分のためではなく、人類の未来のために戦います。 平和のために。 栽培の世界へ。 超意志の勝利のために。 私たちが勝利したとき、
