(yumi)(no)(MONOGURUI)(ii):(BLOWN AWAY, SO FAR)(digital copy)
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the idea of counter-party neg-information to explain the pulling back of proto-phasm was frequently over-emphasized in the absence of a recognition that there was more simply a drying up of proto-phasm to push – or, in other words, the mapping of proto-phasm was a supply .. demand problem: no one was worried about U_CHROMA's confidence levels as a counterposition: hä remembers coming upon här unexpectedly in a white cotton short-shorts with gray semi-opaque leggings: .. cropped white cotton disced up blouse that hovers umbrella-like over cropped mid-riff: the y_phantoms had taken hold of här unexpectedly .. pushed up toward här head, pulling against här body, such that in the end hä would vomit: while hä popped här hand in the u_ghost's gaping mouth, pushing it away: ergodic volume works as the residual for the equilibrium equations: class-symmetric, but ranging in magnitude according to reverberation: the function of introgressions re autarchic processes is such that they work as a symptom of the clamping down on proto-phasm disintermediation forces by controlling forces: här breath pushed up against här clear rubber yurisuit as hä backs up to the glass wall, attempting to assert some kind of firm equilibrium against the dizzying vertigo: the clear rubber pulls at the sweat of här flesh in awkward halting micro-movements .. hä adjust härself downward slightly: they had gone)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(proto-phasm was being infused into the system with greater .. greater urgency, but by this time proto-phasm increases in a given pocket of the *pulse introgression were almost invariable being balanced out by proto-phasm shrinkages in another: one could make the argument that implosive feedback loops operate with increasingly greater strength of pull as one comes closer to the lower bound): (y_usege(ii): 'thank you')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(hä adjusts the fit of här semi-opaque clear rubber ghost-equipage with bold white outline over white cotton up-formed bumps up to här bare shoulders, multi-layered .. bound in bunches with large thick obi-wrapped skirtage, thickly packed .. built up hair wrapped in clear rubber bouncing slightly with each movement, the shimmering dim white light: (00_00) watches här as hä walks tightly in a small circle, här dark eyes pounding at här: y_usege(ii): 'this is not my world': this is not my world to give': the projected circles of white light pulse over them tied to the low murmur or hum of reverberating aural disturbance: (00_00): 'by means of the monadic currents, the image of the u_ghosts is driven into the head of the recipient, where it remains indefinitely, from which point the u_ghosts take on a psychological reality of their own .. pop up repeatedly until completion: 2.6 m. of height, black medium gray with white eyes: misformed protuberances atop their heads with ½-formed faces .. many-contoured bodies: as a disease, they fall under the general heading of (0_0)pathos: there are four ways to escape them: i) consumption of -ach (temporary); ii) glass bead trick(temporary); iii) the 5 unforgivables (permanent; iv) hara-kiri (permanent): they occupy a u_space of overlapping worlds, in a mode which allows for co-indeterminables: if one's body spans two distinct possible worlds it may contain a .. not-a: 0-ugarte insisted that a brownian bridge could be formed over two points, one in one monad-permutations, .. the other in another, such that the interaction of force between them would be commuted out in all instances, such that one could treat it as a gap between two worlds, but simultaneously allow for it as a parallel-binding over a body, such that the body might co-exist in two planes: if one treats the particles in of themselves one is left with nothing to reconcile, but as force-interactions one finds a coordinate mapping version of corporeality which imposes causality over processes which would otherwise be thought to be acausal: then one probes it as a monad-game, pushing out all the possible permutations of a probability space bound to it, from which one can determine, up to fuzzy limits, a characterization of its proto-definition': from their mountain-crag outcropping mini-station y_usege(ii) looks out through a window bay over the mass of onnagatomaton submissives working their way slowly over the barren, gray sludge ground of the terrain .. rock formations interspersed with marsh channels through which the huge bodies of the proto-phurghur push: the onnagatomaton intersperse seed-pods as they work their way of the large expanse, numbered in thousands, y_usege(ii) estimates, methodically overalying the terrain with u-propagation): (of course, u_objects/futures are cast as the adversary: u_objects are a measure of externalities (df) (expansive/temporal), .. if there is one thing rentiers fear above all it is the pulling inward of externalities such that they become internalities: this prospect hovered over all the regulative .. ethical discourse over the banalities of synthetic values .. the impetus to place contraints on them: computational analysis was confined to the filter of phenomenal experience as imported from wetware mind-forms: it was only when the channels pushing data in such ways were reconfigured as abstract grids, conceived as shapes of u_pulse reverberating between monadic points, that the power of analytic efforts blew up .. new domains of point-domination were derived .. implemented in the field: limits on the channelization side, pulling proto-phasm expansion back into entrenched values, .. the absence of frictions to rapid c.a.u. growth on the material engineering side, where cheap brute force velocities of calculation prevailed up to the point where optical frictions themselves came into play, delayed these developments until punctured .. passed over: within a few commutes formal techniques curving 'informational physics', which had been virtually at an effective pause since dr.b., bound forward such that the average analyst's c.a.m. from 20 commute prior could quickly produce models that would have previously required multiple clusters operating for periods: the white plastic venting with its dark depths is set into the walls at numerous placements .. imbues their conversation with its gentle hum, strangely contoured as if to pull in as vigorously as it pushes out: some even protrude slightly at the higher levels: little white suction rubber closes the gaps: phumaCHIRGHYU(ii): 'the system associates mapping with control, .. control with completeness: there is no room in their models for a convergence of future proto-phasm with the present, let alone the past: they've yet to tie the temporal components of proto-phasm flows back to the material: they'll never understand, or at least accept, ergodic volume as the generative force of proto-phasm, just as our u_ejento friends will never accept that the gap that their analysis is based on operates via the dispersal .. hemorrhage of the power of proto-phasm, as opposed to labor: .. as such they will never graps that i = i* is the formation of a new being, a double, superhuman, or, not even human, but a being of pure power: it will never quite know itself because it will always exist outside of the limits posed by its prior being')."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(whereas traditionally the *pulse introgression has been conceptualized as a sort of bubble being blown up or receding according to the u_pulse phase-dispersion, it was now more accurately conceived as a whole mass of relatively equi-massive bubbles, cancerous, such that one could not distinguish between what was blowing up what: one huge sign that was missed was the increasing percentage of point-flux that was monad-intensive, .. the degree to which this represented a covert outflow of point_waves from the point-flux compounds: once you start floating your residuals with u_monads you're not really being pushed, you're just moving your propagation around .. packaging it up as something else: which is why the desperate array of u_pulse vehicles had little effect: the three u.-morphurs approach här with large phasm-rifles pointed forward, their clear rubber bulbous multi-circled protrusion flesh glistening against the dew of the control room, placid faces, light gray, almost white, with dull eyes .. dark gray synthetic hair pulled into bundles, they fire off at här in unison .. y_ueghuru(ii) is thrown back, slumped into the corner of the concrete walls, .. looking down at här body hä views several gaping holes seeping out organs .. fluids: 'clearly this body will need to be replaced', hä thinks to himself as här y.-equipage pumps oxygen .. protein-diffusion microbes into här brain, cutting off the head from the ruined flesh below: clear rubber mask with gaps covers här 2-braid black hair .. dark eyes glowering back at the three figures in defiant pose: they approach slowly, cautiously: 'I wouldn't recommend coming any closer', hä mutters .. begins to whisper control sequences: här clear rubber gloved hands twitch reactively: the u_c.a.u. dispersed through the room throw off white light in quick patterns, little, dark shadow-formations bouncing in .. out of här peripheral vision: as long as they were imbued with introgression they were c-morphed to impotence (by definition): it was only with the implementation of (00_00) .. the U_CHROMA's purchases of modality .. non-monad-intensive or chrema-morphed c-pulse that these efforts began to show any effect in generating movement the other direction)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the u_objects sat positioned in the space of a hyakhiru constructed feedback loop, whereby as long as they maintained a foundation backing the (u_00)-based synthetic formulas of the hyakhiru regime proto-phasm structure the system would continue to flow proto-phasm into c-pulse, which would in turn flow in to doubled u_monads, which would circulate through the u_pulse phase-dispersion propagation of their position, but the moment the meta_crystal positions ceased to grow the flows would turn in on themselves .. devour their own bodies: of course, this is true of a proto-phasm structure based on compound proto-phasm as much as u_force, or anything else, so who is to say the meta_crystal propelled process was flawed in of itself, in theory)." ((00) yumi(no)gosuto: "(perhaps the failure of conception was less in the inherent properties of the u_objects themselves .. rather in a failure to conceptualize the growth properties required of any entity chosen to prop the mathematical yamabushi mechanisms in play)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(certainly the shift of responsibility in this area from the u_objects back on to the compound would prove to simply move the problem from one position to another: u_ejento saw in the y_ghost entities a way forward in this direction, .. saw their failure in (0_0) .. (00_00) as a failure resulting from their containment .. the imposition over them of limits .. controls as their growth threatened the powers of existing agencies): (ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) breathes heavily: här gray polymeratomic y-equipage integrates over här body .. over head-mask leaving facial features bare, gray skin, pallid, almost white eyes, mini-cylinders fixed to various parts of här body, with gapping leaving här taut flesh exposed, semi-opaque white minihose up to just below the knees .. down to white rubber ice-slippers, qingbai pink pattern insignia repeated at hips, shoulders, .. mid-chest: medium gray 5-circled hair pops through gapped gray plastic head-segments running over här head: ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) has laced little white cotton bows into various connection-points: careful gray-painted lips measure themselves against the coming moments, focusing här body's force on the management of the fluid-flow cycle of the low-lying basin with clear acrylic fluid set into the white rubber dimpled floor before här, with its floating plant cuttings over-shifting to the right .. aggregating: hä hopes that if hä re-calibrates the collector fan the issue will resolve in of itself, if not hä'll need to go into the motors themselves to find where they are out of alignment: ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) is familiar enough with the YAMAUEREDA III to visualize it from outside as a projected observer as a curving mass of metal binding the clear white-ish protein mega_phurghur mass, throbbing clearly even in the dim light of the far-off stars, pushing forward as constrained semi-cylinders from a metal .. clear plastic core holding the mini-city .. u.-princess hangars tacked as leveled discs: it comforts här to reduce härself to one mere mote in its huge, potent form: hä runs här hands over här head .. pushes härself up from the floor: här eyes focus far off past the clear plastic lining of the walls .. the glass cylinders, the throbbing low, white light: mhideyuki(vi) approaches .. walks beside här, in white acrylic mech-harness under semi-opaque clear rubber gorysuit with close-hooded white cashmere mini-cape, cross-stitched, clip-patterned-hair under a clear plastic head-piece with gapping closely contoured to här face .. accentuating focus on här dark, inward directed eyes, strong facial features with high cheeks down to broad, upright shoulders: ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) stretches här fingers as hä whispers: ueghuruomo_ueda(iv): 'where have you been?': mhideyuki(vi) stands a few inches shorter than ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) .. keeps här gaze focused downward on the white rubber dimpled floor: as they exit the chamber hä shrugs: mhideyuki(vi): 'checking on the m-units: we are getting rather optimal air-flows: still, I would feel better if we could resupply soon': ueghuruomo_ueda(iv) leads them down another corridor .. into a huge chamber low-ceilinged with clear plastic sloping walls lining metal: a huge grid of clear plastic containment-units are inset into the floor with clear acrylic fluids holding white-ish amorphous bodies of u.-princesses with white acrylic mech-harnesses connecting them via clear rubber cords to the unit interiors: they slowly walk through the center of the chamber, dwarfed by its surrounding mass: white light glistens against the backward slope of mhideyuki(vi)'s head, falling on white cashmere softly): (the uri(00)ughuryor's orbular receptors unmoving: it has little patience for the ubots' affairs this morning: it knows they will be passively murmuring around their edges for the duration, avoiding coming to the point directly but unable to give in .. move past them, .. at another time it might cut off the approach preemptively, but for now it would rather play at being ignorant .. focus inward on analysis of the reports received recently from the (*)-region: the uri(00)ughuryor's black sans serif text runs over some of its contours with descriptive specs: the mini-op.-scope hinges up from upper-body just over mid-body glass cylinder fronted by 6 black circles: it's 1.58(m) form with modular silver-chrome components plaited over black rubber joints with metal fittings: a mini-mech deployed by the u_yamabushi: the ubots, microbe alien creatures of a synthetic nature, float around it: they murmur in excited explication: the uri(00)ughuryor, only ½-attentive, is not really able to follow their hyperactive flow, something about their plans for … something: it is unclear: stubby black-tipped metal feet plodding over white rubber dimpled floor of the tight corridor: the ubots: '…. we are treating u_pulse as iterative regressions through the radiant cyclo-moduli in an attempt to generate an ultra-epimorphism, an epimorphism which will hold over every possible epimorphic bridge, with the proxy functions as conduits: so you end up with three interconnecting concepts – on the one hand, you have the active, participatory space: this space is complete .. well-formed: for all intents .. purposes it is the u_space of record: but mapped to this you have a much larger u_space where all kinds of permutations .. interpretations are allowed to form, without effect on the first u_space: the first u_space being a monomorphism on the second .. the second being an epimorphism on the first: we end up focusing on the modeling of epimorphisms, as it is here that one opens up one's productive potential into effectively unbounded regions: the epi-space becomes a proxy-function utopia to play in: ultimately the idea of mtually overlapping epi-spaces, held so firmly as a truism for so longer, was undermined by the further development of proxy function methods which were able, to a high degree of convergence, to establish unitary mappings over other possible alternatives: the uniqueness of the one dominant epimorphism was a product of stability researches of homomorphic conduits: it was found that, while one could, in theory, assert many distincty .. contradictory epimorphisms, in practice, one would settle ultimately on an optimum which would fail to throw the model akimbo at the inset of interference or input from the monomorphic bridge: the dominant proxy function (-) is a relation of minimal similitude: (-)-similar classes could be said to be productive of proxy functions within an arbitrary distance-measure: we connect these models to the u.-princesses as materialized, embodied space .. watch the consequences of their experiences unfold; these experiences become the data points which fold back into the next modeling .. so on .. so on: did we tell you about the pseudo-onnagatomaton we submitted to these spaces?: little mecha-beings of gray .. black plastic with twenty little leg-prongs, .. compact, armored bodies: they act as collectors for proto-phasm residue: we populate our u.-worlds with them in the thousands .. let them run off .. about, they're delightfully cute .. persistent: the second space is unknowable to one bound by the first u_space .. can only be imagined as a potential: the two u_spaces are bound by one or more proxy functions which push the effects of the larger u_space, this kind of dark u_space, into the constrained forms permitable to the first u_space: one can question whether there is any purpose to such a conception, but, it turns out, one can map flight plaths over the mapped dark u_space for effective commutes of the participatory space, .. one can do so, independently of any kind of confirmation that the pseudo-points one is running the path over actually exist: in fact, such question drops off completely ….: the uri(00)ughuryor was not too polite to wear its disinterest all over its visage: in point of fact, the uri(00)ughuryor was never too poite to do anything, .. considered politenesss the most grotesque of the virtues, but the ubots prattled on unaware: the YAMAUEREDA III pushes through the dark void: two huge forward-projecting mega_phurghur containment units are bound to the two clear polymeratomic orbs which reperesent the control-unit .. hold the piloting chambers: behind them the mass bulk of the mega_phurghur-ship pushes back in five disc-planes around the root cylinder core holding the proto-phasm wells, which disseminate through the ship: the last of the disc-planes being larger in radius than the preceding .. holding the predominant portion of warehousing, parks, commercial units, factories, utilities, .. automata of the YAMAUEREDA: the first of the disc-planes containing maintenance functions, the second the residential units, followed by a disc-plane committed to public spaces for the community, .. then the disc-plane of the core city center: all of this followed ultimately by a small capping unit with auxileries as a final concluding stub ending the root cylinder core: the uri(00)ughuryor .. the ubots make their way through a portion of the warehousing concentration): (CHROKUYATA institutionalized y_ghost properties, such that polders developed proto-phasm origination as well as consumption powers, pushing proto-phasm flows in .. out of the system like bodies breathing in 'universal radiance')." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))." 0((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the institutional certification of such powers came to be referred to as polders 'putting their hair up', with the miyu_PHANTOM agency an early adopter: it began with a specialization in large scale irrigation works but developed ultimately, as a side project at first, the construction of mecha which would become a dominant feature of monadic reverberation over the next _0 commutes, with epigones produced prolifically following the construction .. deployment of the mega_ugartë): (yasui:y_usege(iii), kuroda:y_usege(ii), .. u_phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO))."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "((00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) y_ueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(it was quickly found that, while many useful multistep methods can be constructed in runge-kutta form, unfortunately, many useful methods cannot be constructed in runge-kutta form, whereas many useless methods can be: the method proved to be useful mainly in particular instances of backward proto-phasm flow over forward process cyclo-reflections in the more simple, straightforward inversion structures, primarily those of two or three parties at most .. with little or no phasm: (00_00) rings can be derived from these methods easily if one wants to: you saw a lot of this in the mid-_0's, with goryos structured so as to capture MIGHU reverberation most prominently: the drawback of these methods was that when the cell moved they were somewhat slow to respond, so you might tend to experience periods of briefly sustained outflow: not in huge amounts, but significant enough to be unpreferred: more dynamic methods involved treating (00_00) rings as multi-dimensional .. factoring in growth/reduction velocities as u_objects from larger u_pulse pools)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. y_ueghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(there was a lot of close-functioning involved .., with these developments, the construction of larger .. larger pools of what was referred to as 'white proto-phasm', proto-phasm pools that were unverifiable by empirical observations but which could be mathematically constructed in the models such they, in tandem with newer goryo runs, produced accurate .. verifiable predictions of flows: but they were huge, .. it is important to understand here just how huge: these movements were both similarities .. * congruences, pushing one way or the other: the white proto-phasm region represented, in a carefully modelled space flowing over the u_point-c.a.m.s of the u_ejento, a 'beyond' where the future could be thought of .. handled as a materiality, a change in distance over a static, flat graph of potentialities: here the notion of being beyond the ability of one to see into the future becomes a naïve forebearing: one can see the spaces .. the curves right in front of one, gasping .. waiting in anticipation: .. here the calibrations of mapping could be seen to be in equilibrim with various controlled forces at play: u_ejento abstracted out various data flows to form covergent waves, whose interactions with one another could be carefully contemplated: YAMAUEREDA is filled with metabolic spaces, such that they morph .. grow over time, merging into one another in slow molecular entanglement: toward a pre-programmed form?: this question was struggled with by the u_ejento but no clear conclusion reached: it would appear to be a process of flutter .. reverberation, but there were those who insisted that a morph-continuum contained these movements .. that YAMAUEREDA could be best viewed as an embryo preceding the development of a huge, conscious creature or being of its own massive right: chremastics posed 6 divergent poles set in a circle around a 0-point of 0 growth, 0-cyclo-intension ((df) the monadic center, or (00_00), or at times simply (0)): i) cyclo-monadism: c/(abs(c-c)); ii) hyper-madhyamaka: c*c; iii) cyclo-phasm-force: c/c'; cyclo-entropism: (abs(c-c))/c; v) cyclo-autarky: 1/(c*c); vi) cyclo-chrematism: c'/c: (where c(df): u/c .. u(df): the total mass of the active proto-phasm mass): each point in a topological space could be then assigned a monad anchored to (0),.. could be referred to as a distance along a given radial of coordinates: u_ejento loved to refer to themselves as (00_00)-monads, .. pose massive arrays around their bodies as point-spaces engorging .. distorting the u_pulse flows .. the inter-regions formed by their convergences: no, these weren't crystals forming in my brain, though I could imagine them as such (**)): (u_phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO): procrustean transformations were applied that settled upon a least square as a space for potential reverberation: (0_0) proved to be an u_00 (0) sinkhole in the system that would need to be repotentialized one or another via proto-phasm infusion: each member being drawn to a divergent phase-space): (mappings were being made on the potency of the layered up u_objects, a cell which was decaying in proportion to the counterbalancing analytic restrictions of the hyakhiru proto-phasm regime combined with restrictions on propagation .. introgression into the cell): (each wore clear rubber goryo suits with medium blue .. pink outline over white acrylic mech-harness)."
(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (CAM に記録) "(yameguru(ii) 白い綿とハイブリッドの生地は、身体上の場所、たとえば前腕の上部、膝のすぐ下で折り畳まれ、しっかりとグリップします。顔の筋肉が冷たい空気に対して歪んでいます:コム デ ギャルソン:「情報に基づいた感覚」 良い': この時点でこれは一体何だろうか、ヤメグル(ii)は不思議に思う): (綿は指の圧力に抗して体を押します。最初は軽く、しかし息が冷たい空気に押し付けられるにつれてさらに強く押します。.. 何か不吉な予感や予感がハーに襲いかかる。それがどこから来るのかはハーにとって謎である。ヤメグル(ii)の筋肉や器官自体からなのか、ハー内のある種の心理学的もつれからなのか、それともユミのどこかからなのかは不明だ。 (いいえ)ゴスト、またはさまざまなグロテスクな構造から、またはおそらく自身の内部から: 軽く傾けると、2 つ編みの髪が微重力で頭に対して引っ張られます。.. 唇が冷たく感じます: 透明感を感じることができます ハーのボディスーツのゴムが、ちょうどその位置からずれてぎこちなくハーの体に押し付けられ、弱く、しかし執拗に上に押し上げられた。透明なゴムが、ハーを押し付けるように押し上げる):(湿地の植生を伴ったサイクバリックな水路が平行に伸びている: しゃがんだメカは中腰で水の中を進み、黒いゴムのジョイントが付いた灰色の金属だ。ビンディングは朝の暗い水晶の影を背景に輪郭が描かれ、頭の両側から突き出た通気口まであった。 上部は折り畳まれ、内部は透明なメッシュで裏打ちされています。その丸い肩は、マイクロエンジンの力のリズミカルな曲線を押し込みます。ヨネダゴースト(貪食者)は農地を耕作し、粒子を捕捉する特性を持つ植物をハーユニットに播種します。 : 環境中のガスに由来する生産性の高い化合物が数多くあり、さまざまな市場で価値が認められています: ヨネダゴースト(貪食者): 他の 4 つのメカとともに外側の境界化合物に常駐する自動メカ: 1 台が遠くに行くと フィルタープロットから十分に外に出ると、隙間に白い葉が埋め込まれた繊細な木のプロットが見つかります。農場を囲む峡谷は、u_flux ポータルに変換された透明なプラスチックの内張りを備えた巨大な埋め込み盆地につながっています: yoneda-ghost( devourer) の白い綿の格子状の豪華な中間セクションのセグメントは、冷却サイクルで積極的に押し出したり押し出したりして水を吸収します: yameghuru(ii): 'これは分離的なアプローチだと思いますが、反転しています...円形の形に隠されています 反響する証明 .. 反証: 一般に、自分の基礎をひっくり返すこの方法は、それ自体の自然なチェック .. バランスを形成するため、多くの場合、高く評価されます.. 生産的、または少なくとも概念的な厳格さのシステムを開発するのに役立ちます。 経験的または外向きの小道具なしで内部からのフィードバック: 私はそれらをコンクレセンスと呼ぶのが好きですが、少し恥ずかしいとは思いますが認めます: しかし、私は閉鎖を避け、外面と内面の両方で成長する総合的な位置に自分自身を強制するこのアイデアが好きです 事前に定義された制限なし: u は、平和で冷たい平衡状態から押し出される flux_points (または、必要に応じて重なり合う平面境界) として考えることができます。 チャネルを右側に分割する金属の壁: yameghuru(ii): 「または均衡と言うべきでしょう。なぜなら、人は、自分の、ええと、視点として考えている誘導チャネルが、 権威ある視点としてある種の重みを持っている'): (以前にこの基盤の上に構築されていた概念アーキテクチャの大部分を破棄: ヤマウエレダは数学的システムの転覆を計画した u_ejento のグリッドとして形成された .. の主張 山伏とエジェントのハイブリッド化合物を形成するための制御プロセス。このハイブリッド システムを軽く「ファズム フォース」と呼ぶこともありますが、capt.y はこのハイブリッド システムを「ファズム フォース」と軽く呼んでいます。 提案されたモデルは、その核心において、u_ejento 複合体の実現は、その典型的なコマンドである位相計量装置によってではなく、実際に実装できるという概念的な結論に基づいて機能しました。」(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yamegu(r)u(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M. に記録) 「(むしろ、目に見えない力の強力な制御によって: 概念的には この計画は、*生産手段の分配というu_agentの中核原則の実現に到達しました)。" 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"((00_00))." ((00 )(00_) (00_00)(00) yameguru(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): 「(確かに、u_pulse フローが人を慰めるようなきれいな小さな弓で結ばれるとは期待できませんでした: (0000 ) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) ( 0000) (0000) (0000) (0000) (0000))."