MONOGURUI phigur-equipage: (JUST DO IT)

$40.00 - $23,113.00


00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(efficient cell mapping mechanisms in the face of contraction or expansion of * could always be easily .. convinclngly passed off as strange mysterious creatures formed of irrational psychological forces: in this environment occam's razor was disfavored vs. the complex .. obscene, or, alternatively, weak .. confused theories of disorder .. a kind of cloudy gray diffuse filter: portions of the y_flux interregnum program, related to the dispossession of 00-ueghurama control from charitable institutions, were reversed to facilitate the hybrid entities being brought forth .. encouraged by the open cell conduits developed: MIRGHYU(ii) conglomerated various disperse interests as the wind farms of inland (c) desert regions, with hydro-culture u_ejento imported from the overspace, physiological research related to cancer-propagation .. dementia therapies, .. y_objects with their roots in *region yamauereda development, all under the umbrella of a non-curve organization begun initially to push *stellar research related to u_pulse collocation: MIRGHYU(ii)'s wind turbine lines became intermingled with a program to disperse monadic channels .. cellular grids, pushed by anti-cyclical highly hypo-inverted reverse-0-point_shift conduits set up by the yamauereda referred to as miniighamas: in these conduits interior *pulse introgression parties would inject u_pulse into the system in exchange for compound proto-phasm packages)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(which were then commuted .. bundled into u_matrices .. various indices): (yueghuru(ii): 'something must be done: we must act!: inconsistent though it is, the image is stunningly beautiful: it may potentially bear fruit': yueghuru(ii): 'the question at issue is this: is ugartë condemned to remain the prey of här fellow ugartë, are här efforts to escape from this condition merely a falling from one trap into another, or, on the contrary, is it in här power, is it possible for här, first by energetic action .. then by watchful care to unloose the knot of the hydra, .. prevent its head from ever growing again?': metal circular discs run up yueghuru(ii)'s equipage .. attached to här pouch hä carries här c.a.m. här fingers desperately clutch at the air without motion: they come to a smally enclosed opening where the the uramaki-ch. waits for them in clear .. white light rubber armor with a series of metal studs made up of randomly assigned contours over här pseudo-androgynous form .. in pretty introspection, patterns shaved into här buzzed mis-formed head: on the wall in medium gray "(00_00)": yueghuru(ii): 'my own researches in endeavoring to discover the most favorable place for the reception of the great waves of annunciation have in turn held me spellbound, in theory at least': yueghuru(ii): 'If we do not cultivate it then who will?''): (MIRGHYU(ii)'s headquarters were built out in the lowlands of the bullion mountains, with a large analytics campus in the shadow mountain region which had become a canal channel hub: 4 mega-mechs were deployed: miniature research centers for MIRGHYU(ii) dotted the mountains contours, folding the monadic conduit implementation in as focal nodes: underground structures densely packed the surrounding area)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(with low lying glass greenhouse façade foyers popping up above the surface intermittently: the yamauereda didn't put in its regional institute until a few commutes later: when cyclo-intension velocities remained weak in the decade following the *, despite invisible expansion, participants were active in theoretical exercises to explain the phenomenon to the virtual exclusion of the conceptually rigorous but oh so boring hypothesis that perhaps the invisible tool put into place by the op. flux during the * to restrain cyclo-intension as it pumped up proto-phasm supplies, in the form of the proto-phasm velocity was working: that would be madness, of course): (while many of them were initially favorable to the plan, if aware of it at all, they quickly .. with radical gestures took up resistance against it as they traced the causal effects of the disappearances to the arrival in the *region of abundant excessive radiances, themselves the results of the plan's burgeoning mathematical structures popping up thru-out the *region via the u_pulse currents: circle-matrices made up of curving u_rays converged .. formed overlapping space that generated new u_channels: chremastic phasm-metric is, at its most foundational, defined by the question of the extent to which introgressions net out to 0: u_ejento conceive of introgressions as safey valve mechanisms fo the type one sees in pressure systems: they allow for a reset where c overtakes r due to built in restraints on r growth, where otherwise rentiers' stake would be diluted to unacceptable levels: the movement of proto-phasm expresses itself phenomenologically as blips against the social form circuit, c'…c''…c'''…c''''…: usually these converging circle-matrices could be deployed by megha_yamagaoro as floating point-clouds controlling the dispersion of u_rays pulled in from the outer bound mini-c.a.u.'s: one could effect a number of different techniques, utilizing this basic input, ranging from flight-boost, to destructive point-rays, to subtle mental response pushes curving euphoria/agoraphobic impulses, to localized force fields: there was a point where the *regional monadification trend jumped to one of outright hikikomori, a further densification or implosion potency-growth: virtual fantasy worlds had at this point gained in complexity .. reverb, such that the decision to refrain from unplugging for extended periods became increasingly optimal, or psedo-optimal, in a kind of cyclo-cattalactic formation of mini-utopias): (00_00))." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"(yueghuru(ii) contorts här mouth: (00_00) (00_00): I could feel the cold water particles pushing against the glass as if they were entering into my body: everything was pulling inward: the forward movement of time, as perceived by us degraded poor .. weak 'sentient' beings corresponds to the forward increase or stasis of neg-u_pulse: one pushes one's way through circulating waves of the converse: eventually one is pulled backward by this overwhelming force to the cold calm peace of equilibrium, or something like it: what the u_ejento had achieved was the ability to traverse these circulating currents in more powerful fashion, pushing forward or dropping backwards .. even possessing the ability to direct flows through their own material body as a conduit in such fashion: (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00) (00_00)): (yueghuru(ii) reaches out .. touches its face): (här chrome studded semi-opaque clear rubber bodysuit over white cotton bodysuit shifts over här body)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: yueghuru(ii))((00))(THE (0__)(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(a powerful contorted body in gray acrylic bodysuit with black outline .. black banded cross over the chest, pushing through: (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00) (00_00)(00_00))." ((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yueghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(yueghuru(ii) hä feels hä knows now what they mean when they reference cold running through one's veins: as if här perception of the sequence of events unfolding is now running backwards: minor gray bulbous rubber padding at the seams of the room pushed in .. out slightly with the flow air): (hä tucked the grey black grid-patterned hood against här neck .. pushing it more closely against här head, worn at the all the seams .. fringes with micro-holes .. stretching emerging: 6-circled logo in white over the chest: hä grimaces: (00): the white ceramic cushioned mini-dais)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(このバック-flow は、操作が顕著な利益を得る場所であり、基本的に、ブラックショールズモデルが実際のオプションに固有のオプション値に近似値を与える限り、neg-u_pulse に対するショートとして機能します。 U から R*U:R への変換。ここで、U は、R が非特異であると想定されている特定の空間の要素ですが、必ずしもユニタリである必要はありません。ここでは、身体の内部矛盾を拘束するために、可視-不可視の原則が呼び出されます。オブジェクトへ: hä は、窓のカーテンの隙間からの här の顔の右側の輝きに魅了されています.. här 御料のバランスシートの特定のギャップに関して、här に忍び寄るヒステリックな懸念のようなものがあります: 何か神秘的になっていますfor här .. här の心を掴み、そこに隠されたパターンが見えてくるように: 洗練された (00_00) は 3 つのステップを移動しました遠く離れた窓の方へ.. 大佐は報告に咳き込んだ: 哀れな (00_00) 急いで.. 信頼できるように傾いた här ear: hä は非常に好奇心旺盛だった: .. それから全く信じられないことが起こった. : (00_00) は突然、面白い秘密を教えてくれる代わりに、yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) が här の耳の上部を här の歯の間でつかんだ..かなり強く挟んでいることに気づきました: hä は身震いしました..息ができませんでした: 'yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii), これは冗談ではありません!' 機械的にうめき声を上げました。ここでのアクションの主要なエンジンを形成する遠心力の破壊であり、御料は反射前の特性の反転を表します(..それらは反射前のレベルで反転する必要があります-これは明らかです-)。」 (00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(なぜなら、この時点を過ぎて反省の段階に入ると、作業中の操作はすでに不可逆的なコースに置かれているからです.個人またはエージェントのアイデンティティは、ディクティック・リバーブが限界を見つける空間、言い換えれば、それらが跳ね返る空間から排除することによって形成される何もないギャップとして実際に定義できるというウラクオモリ、または、別の言い方をすれば、定義上、アイデンティティは目に見えないものであり、それは、ディクティック リバーブが侵入できなかったために周囲に形成されたパターンを見ることで観察できます。白い陶器のテーブルから立ち上がり、行った..バリカンを見つけた..すぐにそれらを持ってきた:phumaCHIRGHYU(ii)はhärを見さえせず、バリカンを取り、..それらを使って作業するように設定しました:(00)(00 ) これらが現実的なマナーであることを理解し、.. 敏感であることを恥じていたs: 人々は黙って互いに見つめ合った: 不自由な教授は執念深く.. 羨ましそうに pumaCHIRGHYU(ii): (00) が続いた): ((0_)代理行為とドメインの背景の原因|効果の区別: 超カリプティック: ちらつきゴースト効果のための -ach の使用、u_pulse 波コロケーションの除外された中央に収束: här の (00_00) の特定の味唇は、u_pulse の圧力が高まっていることを示唆しているようです: 寒いです.. 怖がります här: här は自分の体を här の腕に心地よく抱きしめようとしますが、あまり効果はありません: yagao_ueda(i)(00_00)(ii) の音のゆっくりとした呼吸: 「私のエネルギーは、物事の現状に取って代わる未来の社会組織の研究に専念しています。」 (00_00)(MONOGURU: yagao_ueda(ii)(ii)((00))( 00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(結論に達しました古代から現在に至るまでの社会システムは、オナニスト、サイエンス フィクションの作家、自己矛盾に陥り、物質科学について何も理解していない愚痴でした.. ウガルテと呼ばれる奇妙な動物: ドゥルーズ ガタリ、メルロー ポンティ、フーリエ、人工物結晶はマウスにのみ適しています..人間社会には適していません. -組織: ここにあります': 彼はバインダーをタップしました:博覧会は、私の章ごとに 1 晩、少なくとも 10 晩を占めることになるだろう」: (笑い声が聞こえた): 「加えて、私のシステムはまだ完成していないことを付け加えなければならない」: (再び笑い): 「当惑している」私自身のデータによる..私の結論は、元のアイデアとの直接の矛盾です)."