MONOGURUI bodysuit: (u(0000))



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(officially the decision making structure in the 2 channels were independent but there was inevitable crossover of both personnel, .. at times even projects where both played a role simultaneously as part of a larger group: the (00_00) developed as a propagation channel for CHROMA, with many of its proto-phasm projects utilizing these hybrid institutes on hire for implementation: the (00_00)"s 'protective' forces, put into place for the safe keeping of the work forces deployed, grew rapidly: as a general rule each water reclamation plant would be host to a (00_00) mech-force corps, forces whose growth occurred under the radar, with each local regime popping up independently as apparent background noise: only after a grid of these forces had proliferated around the globe, such that their speed of collective response mitigated the need for regional-interest military action, did it become possible to connect the dots in the total mass of this CHROMA propagation .. resulting buildup of military powers implied .. assess adequately the degree to which these forces had both surpassed .. infilitrated the (*)region's extant military regimes for an accurate realization of the control they had acquired: in this regime the op. flux's role was reversed: rather than pulling proto-phasm out of the mathematical system via open cell .. 0-point_shift morphologies these operations were used to push proto-phasm out into mathematical institutions: interior label interior compounds were produced to be bundled up into u_matrices .. expansive u_objects to push out to interior ejento: as momentum for this regime developed more .. more of these concrescences became synthetic, such that the yamauereda's role was in large part an administrator of indexes pulling off of phasm proto-phasm: essentially nonoscillatory ENO crystals were pushed into wavefronts)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the op. flux became the counterposition on (00-flux) mirroring close to 90% of the total mass of proto-phasm instruments floating: at first the interior mini-pods were put into a cold panic by these shifts, seeing their role disappearing into the compound structure that they had always so coveted .. feared in equal measure, but quickly the monadic institutions' concerns were displaced by the new u_pulse generating powers of the overflow (0) stream: most of the mathematical institutes either faded out or dramatically went under in the throes of the morphism but in their place a new breed of micro-entities emerged, something like proto-phasm unions but built to function off of the furthest boundaries of the new cyclocapitalist processes: the new proto-phasm instruments they imbued were, perversely, designed to propagate: experienced analysts looked at these new concrescences with the blanching of grotesque horror undisguised on their faces, but they proved productive .. resilient in ways that were unexpected .. poorly understood for commutes even as they came to dominate the cell): (the underlying philosophy behind these moves being a belief that, to some degree, one can model out intended effects via the transmitting mechanism of invisible processes: there were plenty of indicators that the monad-pulse reservoir needed to be pumped up: when miru-op. went under, in respect to co-morph pullback, one can almost ignore completely, at least for a moment, the underlying causes, .. even more so any vague notion of '(00_00)', for the more immediate recognition that the event represented potentially the poofing of upwards of _0 (0) in *, at even conservative estimates: här black plastic mask pushes against här face .. black rubber straps run over här body)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(but for all that everything is pushing in on it, its outward pushing force, (00_00)'s chremastic productivity in ____, is greater: the (00)-institute put into p-adics arranged so as to bring the CHSGR regime into consolidated place in a binding (00_00) grid: proto-phasm ratios .. analytic canalization put flows into tightly defined limits without the need for recourse to proto-phasm controls: here 'stability' was, in practice, synonymous with an unacknowledged slowing .. weakening of flows, pumping increasing pressure to sustain * growth into the u_objects cell, primarily in the (00_u_iiii): when mini-pods in the (00_00)-op. began to find proto-phasm resources scarce they pushed, with little other option, further .. further into a synthetic space that was only weakly tethered to a proto-phasm regime driven by (00_u_iiii) u_points that had otherwise become the dominant norm: this was a strange new mysterious creature indeed, .. its hungers .. failings .. queer proclivities were only still to be explored: it would push increasingly against its proto-phasm bindings in ways found to be pleasurable .. productive up to a point, before ultimately being crushed by them: u_ejento speculated heavily, without any degree of certainty, as to the counterfactual repercussions of a path in which this creature was allowed to develop completely)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "( .. unsullied in a kind of post-hyakhiru regime where proto-phasm ratios were removed: in such context, it was the belief of many u_ejento, the u_objects cell would have proceeded to devour the yamaueredas of the (*)region – or at least make them so impotent as to be irrelevant --, replaced by a monad-pulse reservoir detached from synthetic proto-phasm just as it had detached itself from morphological features previously: those u_ejento with this view saw the trendline of u_monad mega-commuting, as a percentage of the mathematical compounds as a whole, continuing to blow up past the ½-way mark up to an _0 or _0 percent level, ultimately: .., in contrast, they view the actual resultant push-down of this convergence as an act of violent intentional force, rather than any kind of accident caused by the conflation of unfortunate random circumstances: (00_00) bludgeons här face with här right hand from the side: yuri.phuma, white rubber bodysuit pulling against här body, grabbing the (00_00), smashes it into här stomach: hä doubles over .. stumbles backward: hä picks out a piece of glass from här gray flesh, .. leans over .. teleports away): (mathematical flows, by this point, were running through every portion of society .. directly .. indirectly flowing through even the pores of individuals' material bodies, pushing .. pulling ineffably: the goryo derivations were intended to form a calculus of these relationships .. structures)." (00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yumi(no)gosuto(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(cheap metal copies of ch.-op. bobbins had inundated the cell from mysterious sources: u_ejento disclaimed responsibility, but circumstantially at least some portion of them seemed likely implicated: at the same time the introduction of linear programming into goryo structures allowed for the construction of new forms of minimization:maximation): (hyakhiru::I explains away almost all of the entire mystery of changes in monad-pulse velocity, the movement between different forms of proto-phasm vehicle, .. the eventual mismatch between the core proto-phasm mass of (00_u_iiii) proto-phasm upon which the post-mhiru system was built vs. the constraints placed on its expansion .. cultivation by the interior mathematical compounds, in relation to the demand represented by the growing interregional phasm-metric, culminating in the *: in the build up, the requisite mech proto-phasm was used up in the creation of mathematical concrescences)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: yagao_ueda(ii))((00))(00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00_00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii):明らかに収縮イベントの特徴を持っており、すべての震動の動機要因として信用の逼迫があった.. ある場所で損害が発生し.. 次に別の場所で損害が発生し、削減として「コレクションの記述された条件を連続して満たす」.資本の流れの量における.. デリバティブの反響: 量論の概念的な歴史は、量論が与えられた効果を持つと予測する行動をとる金融エージェントの1つとして見ることができ、その効果の発生を観察し..一貫した説明を形成するための量に基づかない一連の理論: ゆがんだ.. サイエンス フィクションのようなキャラクターのフィクションは、最も硬直した.. 冷徹で堅固な同時代の経済理論の正気であるとして定期的に偽装されていた)。 00. (00_00)(モノグルイ) (0000).(00_00): '"(黒い丸模様の大きな折り畳みグレーのドレス): (これらの流れの一部は高レベルのリバーブで構成され、彼らの代表的なエージェントのゴリョス: 無関心の原則は、これらの効果に自由に適用されました. 3 つのガラス棒が前面にセットされたピボット: 入力がマイナー関数に変換されるようなミニマリストの予測モデルを追求します.. 出力は波状の表面平面上で歪んだ形状に変形されます: ここでは、資産の変形が流入として表示されます。現代的な形の金銭的効果から: ガラス格子ケースのモジュールの後ろには、さまざまな形のクリスタル (マグネット、クォーツ、メゾライト、オリゴクレース、ロードナイト、クンツァイト) が置かれています: それらの完全なガラス質の内部反射光は、大きな掩蔽壕施設の積極的な活動: 一種の静かな苦悶の中で、hä は彼らに向かって här の手を差し伸べる: här の最前線で離陸 放射状ハイパーモナディック推進シリンダーの組み合わせを備えた 3 つのしゃがんだ白いプラスチック製メカが大きな開口部に向かって進みます冷たくて灰色の朝の空を背景に: 傍涅槃 (超越またはその向こうに到達するとき): (df) 単項エンテレキーの折り畳み.. 閉鎖: 私たちがすでに超越したという認識: 私たちは存在する (まさにここに: 今すぐ)向こうでは、超越的な対象として..それはまさに、彼方に手を差し伸べるプロセスのまさにこの完了です..それから自分自身に戻ることによって、私たちは自分自身をより高いまたは他の平面の「エージェント」として理解します:私たちの体は手を差し伸べます私たちのサラウンド環境に、私たち自身の流れのマイクロエコシステムを作ります。反対側から私たちを押し込みますr地域:私たちはそれらを取り入れ..それらを栽培し..それらを私たち自身の目的のために使用します..最終的に、彼らは私たちをむさぼり食うか、あなたが望むなら私たちを所有します..私たちは彼らの下で遊ぶ幽霊の形に変身しますあたかもそれが私たち自身の私的な mprpg であるかのように、私たちが想像する世界の泡の表面張力は、存在するか、それ自体を改革する可能性があります。 u_agents は、モデルの想像力に富んだ生産的なプロセスを求め、従来のソリューションの範囲を超えた予測を生成し、未来リアリズムは効果的に過去にさかのぼり、前のデータを進行と同じくらい強力に変換する可能性のあるファントムを効果的に作成します。そのような方法で、彼らは現存するアイデンティティの人工的なミラーバージョンとして自分自身を再想像しました。幅広い種類の不動産が、バックエンドの信用チャネルを介して主要な機関に結び付けられました。現時点では、ほとんどのオブザーバーには観察できなかったでしょうが、最終的には暗黙の州のバックストップによってサポートされていました。州の信用ポータルへのこれらの入力に対するものでした。構築された u_flows が最終的に目的を持っていたこと): (もちろん、最終的に打ち負かさなければならないファシストは 1 人であり、勝利に最も近づいたときにハーの前に立つのはハー自身であることに気づきました)。 ((00) yagao_ueda(ii)(00)(the UORUOP_PHANTOM)(ii): "(心霊力でハーの内臓を掴み、ハーを破壊することのできる、無能野郎。)"(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yagao_ueda(ii) )(ii)((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yagao_ueda(ii)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(左胸上部の肩のすぐ下にあるタトゥー_小さな円で囲まれた円の円): (中央銀行が _00_-_00_ の期間に押し込んでいたすべてのものは、goryos を介して _000-_00_ の期間に引き戻され、金融市場を大規模な比率で膨らませました: アパラ)."

MONOGURUI PUBLICATIONS seeks fiction related to math, economics, machines, conceptual fashion, utopia:dystopia, .. the future, for print-on-demand publication.

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