MONOGURUI poncho-dress: (IMITATION CAPT.R(00))



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_ejento constructed a circular series to model monadic projections, each object in the series pushing against the others, in both directions: u theory: monogurui (u)): (monadic reverberation: (c-op.): proto-phasm distribution/ consumption): (the aufbauhaus was letting *pulse push back upward: wave mitigation was contracting: .., perhaps most importantly in this case, hyakhiru::II was applying caps on the *production of interior * sources: all three of these could be considered a slowly moving shock in play: the foundations of mathematical physics provided guidelines into the research regarding the construction .. mapping of goryos, but here limitations in the foundations of mathematics as currently operated made themselves apparent: heavy propagation was pushed into research into abstract mathematical theory, with the work of coming to the attention of the yamabushi of YAMAUEREDA, .. a number of här constructions were critical in the buildup between _000 .. _00_: these yamabushi saw clearly the understanding that the cyclo-intension projectors had the relationship between growth of monadic reverberation .. cyclo-intension confused: .. again, the absence of biunivocality was at the core of the conceptual weakness)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(each _-tenth-percentage-point increase in the growth velocity of madhyamaka will push a _-percentage-point decrease in the velocity of cyclo-intension, but not vice versa: the reciprocity is partial: cyclo-intension acts as a necessary, but not sufficient, cause for the growth velocity, in practice: the u_ejento always stress in these matters, an emphasis that cyclo-intension is merely a measurement of the relationship between the growth velocity of vibration .. the growth velocity of the monad-pulse reservoir)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(.. in this context they were highly expansive in their notions of * measurement: as a general rule, whenever anyone started talking about 'core' anything their response was that it was imaginary: omamoke: the movement of proto-phasm from one section to another was described as a similarity transformation of a matrix *.n corresponding to a linear transformation on C.n, such that a view could be taken from these movements of the properties of proto-phasm itself)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(ejento .. ejento' were viewed as organisms in the makeup of a strange .. mysterious creature encompassing the whole, .. though some characterized this as a parasite-host relationship the more perceptive analysts framed it such that individual actors were viewed as the bodily organs outright of the entire manifest body): (hä turns .. pulls up här hands, in a shimmering light acrylic silver bodysuit with two circles, light blue .. pink, with clinched folds .. gatherings of fabric, här dark gray hair pulled tightly into three large concentric balls that bounce slightly with each movement: här gray lips in a slight closed smile: masculine piercing eyes under heavy brows contrast här small body: the white light of the nearly empty room surrounds här, heavy steel contoured walls .. dimpled white rubber floor: insp.c.(myoghma): 'optic waves form as a kind of R-function: they push through us, with protein processes capturing their effects: it is by virtue of these that we are able to interact with the material world: they bind our purely psychic forces to our bodily meat: you have refused to face the darker aspects of your protocols: you have not wanted to admit their corruption of your inner being, .. have instead pretended a kind of demure, pristine, untouched innocence, at least in part: there is a homomorphic property to the mapping of optics to temporal sequences, in a statistical mechanical sense, but it refuses to commute over the perceived hold of your memories or intended concerted actions: you know now, I think, the role that your projections play in your experience of corporeality, your own role as a floating point, the fictitious, spectral nature of your memories as clearly as your future intentiionality, as conceptions of your own …. what shall we call it?: clearly 'will' falls short: your desires?: what is it that controls you?: that plays you?: who is inside of you?: if the goryo could then become a (00_00)-point, where convergence would complete itself, as a focal point of u_waves over a phasm-space, could it escape?: do you think you can invert yourself, such that your powers push back inward into your own nether world to effect your release from these bindings?: what if the bindings themselves are you?: what is victory in this context?': hä pushes the fabric slightly up här legs, playing with its folds: 'you will obey your own commands: because we have given them to you: you recognize me now, don't you?: I am your myrmidon: I am you: you cannot turn away from me without turning away from yourself'): (hence the idea of muscle death .. atrophy as a consequence of the slowing or cutting off of flows: it's all point-flux: u_pulse is just compound-issued c-pulse with a convergence of 0: the measurement of * is merely the measurement of the accumulated proto-phasm in the system, with considerations for variable volumes .., perhaps, neg-information factors: cyclo-intension came to be seen as the preferred refined metric for calibration of these flows as a whole because, with a high degree of consistency, the relationship .. effects of these flows hold such that as * increases at a faster velocity than monadic reverberation cyclo-intension results, .. if the reverse then inversion: the ghost-ring was always merely a flawed byproduct of this deeper core interaction: inversion being, at its limit, the *production of autarchy, .. cyclo-intension being, at its limit, the *production of phasm-force: with the cyclo-intension mapping processs implementing a policy of an impossibly unsustainable equilibrium between these two forces)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(in what has become somewhat of a parlor game, observers pin the beginning of the * at various points, but some analysts define it as a slowly moving wave or contraction that had its first notable effects reflect themselves in the (0_0) *region *: from there it moved slowly through the weakest to the strongest in the mathematical system, building up momentum toward the end when this underlying condition presented the opportunity for YAMAUEREDA's move): (in this view the fall of the RYOJUSENs was one nodal point of many along the concentric path of this contraction, with points being moved through causing the remapping of neg-information in instruments of varying sensitivity): (yameghuru(ii): 'why did you continue?': mighu-c.: 'uh, …, what if you found what you had been looking for your entire life, what you had always wanted, more than anything else?: …. .. then someone asked you why you keep doing it?: what would you answer them?': yameghuru(ii) noticed he clenched preyumi_ph.*(v)'s hand a little tighter as hä said this: yameghuru(ii) remembers mighu-c.'s *body: it was formed a little too perfectly, such that it was distrurbing: surfaces just a little too polished: curves meeting just a little too seamlessly: .. eyes that radiated an inner calm projecting over everything, as if sending messages out to the *region in invisible pulses: this was the beginning of the ascension): (här thumb pushed into the 0000: it surrounds här with its wet .. succulent grip: certain sectors fell into a limit cycle oscillation, as discontinuous u_objects that were designed to correspond to the minmod limiter found themselves blowing up .. off in different directions: proto-phasm coefficient growth was conceived as the inverse of cyclo-intension: the yamaueredas were to take on their role completing the incipient overblown u_objects cell)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(no one was able to, either then or after the fact, satisfactorily explain this uncoupling: it appeared to be related in ways somewhat undefinable to the deterioration of the foundation represented by the yamabushi u_crystals: particularly in _00_ .. moving forward there was a move toward a weakening of the minmod: the phasm sector was filling gaps left unfilled by the RYOJUSENs with undue weight .. strain being placed on the u_objects/U_OP. due to design components in the structuring for the purpose of replicating the neg-information dampening represented by the RYOJUSENs emergent fold)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii))((00))(00_00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)(00_00)(ii): "(in practice, what was implicit in this phasm version of the arrangement was that everyone would be (0000)ed if conditions got tight: the value of decomposition of an inversion position was formed as a relationship to a diagonal matrix with nonnegative main diagonal entries, in the form A=VSW.*: driving flows to contingent positions in a signifying chain of detachable fragments: it is these detachable fragments that one must take care to cultivate if one wants one's goryos to be manageable): (u_flows were designed such that they could jump u_objects, so by the time you thought you were seeing evidence of u_flow behavior in one synthetic entity it would likely have vacated to occupy another: CHROMA influence wave form mappings were able to do a halfway decent job of tracking these types of flow movements: there was an iterative reverb to these mappings that relied on measuring the spread between different (00-flux) contact points: usually you would end up with a series of concentric circles, malformed to bend out awkwardly toward points of gravity representing the entry .. exit points of the u_flow: this way you could pull a goryo through a synthetic in a fashion almost wholely impossible to anticipate for an outside observer, as both its propagation .. monadic channels would function off of proto-phasm instruments from points in space .. time completely unconnected to the vehicle in question: you couldn't measure this swelling up or decaying of proto-phasm in any linear fashion: it was, of course, a crude sort of gersgorin disc in practice though it wouldn't usually be referred to this way: u_ejento would refer to them as yuriplasma, or yuriplasma entities, or, less commonly, as yuri growths: synthetics were set up with the function of tagging .. marking off a u_flow as it moved through one jump to another: they could then be followed or doubled by a binding u_flow .. diverted or blocked if enough force could be applied)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) yameghuru(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(the y_phantoms: (their whispered screaming drifts over the expanse of the snowy fields) 'jille, je rim nerfes breved ojen trill fireveb ip e verge riptet justebs du jease, mek repiche rij giresel: mis devip kuge dre ejuk jes raffirotie prey teptrellemb: nuf kilp os rikt vessene dep ouge ik lune- resd fri keptuak fervibe jun meptil jeresceje hiv fok: nachenarivs jad wersted vrike i liptious avikirie ir nu allivanle ki marufe, vet juger jet chled u feele kimje nereem ire nibves unve marudsik: Il ord fuj hertivik drealinge ikt, a lorche ej melered, ji os def vutlidinhe jurt neb frikell um nerfiche ned freptikig dibfe rume quish derfer: juk mibdert melipedgref dettimejel unbefs kriz fe rimch polire nu chofre re lertikne rok jun brevser'): (in most cases a goryo could be managed as a balance between upwinding forces .. any artificial viscosity that might be introduced in counter to this, such that some degree of stability is maintained: a recognition of the fluidity of u_crystal mapping is critical to this enterprise: .. a discipline, not only of cell-process, but of potential compounds, was maintained by the u_ejento as a matter of course: notice that yu-phor virtually never refers to the easily traipsed out 'immateriality of the compounds' meme in reference to the *: yu-phor, .., for that matter, everyone else, could see clearly where u_pulse levels were for those u_crystal classes that were of interest to them: when ejento refer to mapping for a given u_crystal being opaque what is meant is that it was closer than they would like it to be, .., in fact, was closer than they could accept: the receding mass of proto-phasm generated this effect .. brought isomorphism levels for individual institutions to points of weakness/analytic-restraints: once caught up against these bindings mathematical ejento' proto-phasm generating capacities could swell up no further)."

(00_00)(モノグルイ: ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))((00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.) ((00_00)(00_00))(ii): "(u_ejento は、モナディック射影をモデル化するために円シリーズを構築しました。シリーズ内の各オブジェクトは、両方向に他のオブジェクトを押しつけます: u 理論: モノグルイ (u)): (モナディック残響 : (c-op.): プロトファズムの分布/消費): (アウフバウハウスは *pulse を上方に押し戻していました: 波の緩和は縮小していました: ..、おそらくこのケースで最も重要なのは、hyakhiru::II がキャップを適用していたことです。 *内部 * 情報源の生成:これら 3 つすべてが、ゆっくりと動く衝撃が作用していると考えることができます。数理物理学の基礎は、ゴリョスの構築 .. マッピングに関する研究にガイドラインを提供しましたが、ここでは数学の基礎における限界を次のように示しています。 現在運用されている構造が明らかになりました: 大量の伝播が抽象的な数学理論の研究に押し込まれ、博士の研究が山上枝の山伏の注目を集めるようになりました。 . _00_: これらの山伏は、サイクロインテンション投影機がモナド残響の成長とサイクロインテンションの混乱の間に関係があるという理解をはっきりと見ました。.. シクロインテンションの混乱:.. 繰り返しますが、二一義性の欠如が概念的な弱点の核心でした)。 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(マディヤマカの成長速度が _-10 パーセント ポイント増加するたびに、速度が _-パーセント ポイント減少します) シクロインテンションの影響はあるが、その逆ではない: 相反性は部分的である: シクロインテンションは、実際には成長速度の必要な原因ではあるが、十分ではない原因として機能する: u_ejento は常にこれらの点を強調し、シクロインテンションが重要であることを強調する これは、振動の成長速度とモナドパルスの貯蔵庫の成長速度の間の関係の単なる測定値です。"(00_00)(MONOGURUI: yameguru(ii)(00_00)(ch.))(ii))( (00))(00)(00) (00_00)(00) ヤメグル(ii)(00_00)(ch.)((00_00)(00_00))(ii): 「(.. この文脈では、それらは非常に拡張的でした 彼らの * 測定の概念では、一般的な規則として、誰かが何か「コア」について話し始めると、彼らの反応はそれは想像上のものであるというものでした。 行列 *.n は C.n の線形変換に対応し、プロトファズム自体の特性のこれらの動きから見解を得ることができます。」 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(エジェント .. エジェント」は、全体を取り囲む奇妙な .. 神秘的な生き物の構成をした有機体として見なされていました。 これを寄生虫と宿主の関係として特徴づける分析家ほど、個々の俳優が明白な身体全体の身体器官として見なされるように枠組みを組み立てるほど):(彼は向きを変え、手を引き上げる、きらめく光アクリルシルバーのボディスーツを着て、 2 つの円、水色、ピンク、折り目のある布地の集まり、濃い灰色の髪が 3 つの大きな同心円状のボールにしっかりと引き込まれ、動きのたびにわずかに跳ねます: わずかに閉じた笑みを浮かべた灰色の唇: 重みのある男性的な鋭い目 小さな体との眉のコントラスト: ほぼ空っぽの部屋の白い光が、重い鋼鉄製の輪郭のある壁を取り囲んでいる .. くぼみのある白いゴム製の床: insp.c.(ミオグマ): 「光学波は一種の R 関数として形成される: それらは押し出す 私たちを通して、タンパク質のプロセスがその効果を捉えています。これらのおかげで、私たちは物質世界と相互作用することができます。タンパク質は私たちの純粋に精神的な力を私たちの肉体に結びつけます。あなたはプロトコルの暗い側面に直面することを拒否しました。 あなたは、彼らがあなたの内なる存在を堕落させたことを認めたくなかったのです。代わりに、少なくとも部分的には、ある種の控えめで、純粋で、手付かずの無邪気なふりをしてきました。統計学的には、光学系の時間的シーケンスへのマッピングには準同型の特性があります。 しかし、それはあなたの記憶の知覚された保持や意図された協調的な行動を超えて行き来することを拒否します。あなたはもう知っていると思います、あなたの投影があなたの身体性の経験において果たす役割、浮動小数点としてのあなた自身の役割、架空のもの、 あなたの記憶のスペクトル的な性質は、あなたの将来の志向性、あなた自身の概念と同じくらい明確です…。 それを何と呼ぼうか?: 明らかに「意志」が足りていない: あなたの欲望?: あなたを支配しているものは何ですか?: それがあなたを演じている?: あなたの中に誰がいますか?: もしも御霊が (00_00) 点になれるとしたら 、ファズム空間上の u_wave の焦点として、収束が自動的に完了する場所で、脱出できるでしょうか?: あなたは、自分自身を反転させて、自分の力を自分自身の冥界に押し戻し、これらからの解放をもたらすことができると思いますか? バインディング?: バインディング自体があなただったらどうしますか?: この文脈での勝利とは何ですか?': 布地を脚の上にわずかに押し上げ、折り目で遊びます: 「あなたは自分の命令に従うでしょう。)."

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