MONOGURUI bulbous-dress: (ueghurama)



(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the value of decomposition of a mini-chod array was formed as a relationship to a diagonal matrix with nonnegative main diagonal entries, in the form A=VSW.*: driving flows to contingent points in a signifying chain of detachable fragments: it is these detachable fragments that one must take care to cultivate if one wants one's goryos to be manageable: in most cases a goryo could be managed as a balance between upwinding forces .. any artificial viscosity that might be introduced in counter to this, such that some degree of stability is maintained: a recognition of the fluidity of u_monad calibrating is critical to this enterprise, .. a discipline, not only of flow:field point-binding, but of potential flow:field point-binding, was maintained by the u_monoguruis as a matter of course: notice that (00_00) virtually never refers to the easily traipsed out 'immateriality of the compounds' meme in reference to the *: (00_00), .., for that matter, everyone else, could see clearly where measurement levels were for those proto-phasm arrays that were of interest to them: when ejento refer to calibrating for a given array being oscillatory what is meant is that it was less controlled than they would like it to be, .., in fact, was less controlled than they could act on: the receding mass of proto-phasm flows generated this effect .. brought isomorphism levels for individual sub-fields to points of weakness/systems:blowback-restraints: once caught up against these bindings proto-phasm ejento' proto-phasm flow generating capacities could swell up no further .. were pushed back down: the idea that blowup increases as a factor of decay release is flawed: decay release is zero-sum, for every input there's an output: instead this blowing up of outflow that is observed is the result of proto-phasm levels attempting to calibrate themselves to proto-phasm *production, as a factor of proto-phasm controls)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(discipline here is adamantly to be understood in a bondage sense, rather than anything remotely resembling a kind of staid conservatism: just remember what is building up beneath the surface of these bindings: the macro-fascists were left exhausted .. covered in bodily fluids as their restraints were undone for them by their (00_00) with only the most horrible .. ugly of semi-contorted satisfaction running over their lips .. their dull vapid eyes, as the * came to a close)." 00. (00_00)(00)(MONOGURUI)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): "(här clear semi-opaque rubber jumpsuit over white cotton underclothes contained the pent up forces of här will, in check, for a moment, .. in this moment it was as if a ruptured dam was held in stillness, holding off collapse: one eye closed half-way in the pent up contortionary force of här face's conflicted movements, .. the small black collocated balls of här hair against här head trembled): (with chin turned upward myako:phuma(ii)(UERUOGHOMO) looks downward at the ocean: its pounding large masses pushes against the rock-formed cliff): (cyclo-intension, as a consequence, could be measured as a function of the monadic phase asserting growth forces on *_: invisible processes chased the reverb effects downward from _00_ to _00_): (the point-flux cell moved from 00-ueghurama proto-phasm into the y-cell as growth was bound by invisible contraction: material u_monads grew in flux as *pulse flat-lined: as interior proto-phasm imploded the need for monad-pulse could not be met by existing sources .. *pulse bulged out, pushing u_pulse processes down across the protectorate: point-flux became ineffective: from _00_ to _00_ yamabushi were creating over-permeated proto-phasm via a proliferation of goryos)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(when they tied off these goryos in (00) of _00_ we were left with interior proto-phasm levels in excess of the medium to expansive, of which there was so little that u_pulse processes for it pushed up dramatically: some kind of blown up 00-ueghurama bond cell was imagined by some as a potential mitigating vehicle to reverse the flows, but it couldn't be developed quickly enough to the levels required, .. the appetite to push it was soft: the fetish value of proto-phasm, as opposed to the functional value, was the value to measure, for growth potential, though analysts routinely confused the two aspects, such that the shift from point-flux as fetish driven u_monad itself to c-pulse as a repository for functional values was missed completely, .. misdiagnosed instead as a (0_0)-ish flux in neg-information value: yamabushi modeled their actions in part on __th C. goryos run through hillside development for tea botanical cultivation in rural (0_0)): (running här hands along their edge, här lips move together: 'no, of course, none of that now': everything inside of här now is pulling här inward: there is this idea that systems:blowback effects function as the formation of irrigation channels for the whole, such that they control, to a high degree, not individual flows, but their composition .. inter-relation to one another: in this sense, where mapping is conceived generally as the implementation of policies that everyone 'knows' to be correct against forces of 'irrationality .. self-destructive instinct', it could more productively be re-figured as a design function, in its most cold-hearted analytic sense, such that mapping might be viewed as the ongoing design of the system to the ends determined for it: to this end there is much to admire .. emulate in the modeling of u_pulse flow/u_arrays)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(the underlying philosophy behind these moves being a belief that, to some degree, one can model out intended effects via the transmitting mechanism of proto-phasm actions: there were plenty of indicators that the proto-phasm flows needed to be pumped up: when (00_00) went under, in respect to blowback consequences, one can almost ignore completely, at least for a moment, the underlying causes, .. even more so any vague notion of 'low levels of reverb', for the more immediate recognition that the event represented potentially the poofing of upwards of _00 functioning proto-phasm arrays, at even conservative estimates)." 00. (00_00)(MONOGURUI) (0000).(00_00): '"((00_00)): ((00_00))." (THE (0__)((00)(00_) (00_00)(00) yu::eghuru(ii)(00_00)(the YUGHUR::PHANTOM)(ii): "(the process functioned similarly to how one pushes one's consciousness through space, constructing a mirrored image of potential points .. flows)."(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (recorded on the C.A.M.) "(.. then integrating the movements of one's own internally controlled flow-points through this 'imaginary' space, only instead of space one was forming .. interacting with a plotting of time: or, instead of time, one could think of it more effectively as a mapping of u_pulse flows .. their coordination or relationships to one another: each shift in velocity of these flow-processes, in practice, corresponded with differences in spatial relationships, while shifts in direction of these flows could distort the temporal relationships between them: u_ejento, for all their concern .. care regarding the dangers involved – dangers present both imminently .. in the recorded ever present horrors of past failures – felt the process to be at its core natural)." (00)(MONOGURUI) (0000): '"(här body possessed the kind of robust musculature such that it appeared to be on the cusp of radiating forward in movement at any imminent moment): (a few have black rubber stoppers on their bottom side for ergonomic placement: phuma::mitsu(ii) touches här leg, the white multi-layered ghost-suit with circular hole-pattern): (each military agency was to be structured according to a propagation source via a collocation of u_objects, as a 00-ueghurama entity, with proto-phasm pushed out to its ejento as compensation for their labor)."

(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00. OOOOO. yu::eghur(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(分解値) ミニチョッド配列は、A=VSW の形式で、非負の主対角要素を持つ対角行列との関係として形成されました。*: 分離可能なフラグメントの意味チェーン内の条件点にフローを駆動します。これらの分離可能なフラグメントこそが、必要な要素です。 ゴリョーを管理しやすいものにしたい場合は、栽培に注意してください。ほとんどの場合、ゴリョーは風上の力の間のバランスとして管理できます。ある程度の安定性が維持されるように、これに対抗するために導入される可能性のある人工粘度は次のとおりです。 u_monad キャリブレーションの流動性を認識することは、この企業にとって非常に重要です。flow:field point-binding だけでなく、潜在的な flow:field point-binding の規律が、当然のこととして u_monoguruis によって維持されました。 (00_00) は、* に関して簡単に言い逃れられる「化合物の非物質性」ミームには事実上決して言及していないことに注意してください: (00_00)、...さらに言えば、他の誰もが、それらのプロトの測定レベルがどこにあるのかをはっきりと見ることができました -彼らにとって興味深かったphasmアレイ:ejentoが振動する特定のアレイのキャリブレーションに言及するとき、それが意味するのは、それが彼らが望んでいるよりも制御されていなかった、..実際には、彼らができるほど制御されていなかったということです 作用: 原始相の流れの後退質量がこの効果を生成しました .. 個々のサブフィールドの同型性レベルを弱点/システムの点にもたらしました:吹き戻し拘束: これらの束縛に一度追いつかれた場合、原相の流れが「原相の流れ」に 発電容量はこれ以上膨らむことはできません.. 押し戻されました: 減衰放出の要因として爆発が増加するという考えには欠陥があります: 減衰放出はゼロ和であり、すべての入力に対して出力があります: 代わりに、この流出の爆発は、 観察されたのは、原始相レベルが原相 *生成、原相制御の要素として調整しようとしている結果です。」(00_00)(MONOGURUI: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00.おおおお。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (C.A.M.に記録) "(ここでの規律とは、ある種の堅実な保守主義に似たものではなく、束縛の意味で断固として理解されるべきです。何が構築されているかを覚えておいてください。 これらの束縛の表面の下で、マクロファシストたちは疲れ果てたまま放置された...体液にまみれ、彼らの拘束は(00_00)までに解かれ、ただ最も恐ろしい...半分歪んだ満足感の醜い感情だけが彼らの唇を覆った。 .. * が終わりに近づいたときの、彼らの鈍い虚ろな目)。 00. (00_00)(00)(モノグルイ)(00_00)(00_00)(ii): 「(白い綿の下着の上に透明な半透明のゴム製ジャンプスーツを着ていると、溜まった意志の力が一瞬だけ抑制され、 .. この瞬間、あたかも決壊したダムが崩壊を食い止めて静止しているかのようだった。顔の矛盾した動きの鬱積した歪みの力の中で片目は半分閉じられていた。.. 小さな黒い毛玉が一緒に配置されていた。 頭が震えた): (あごを上に向けてミャコ:プーマ(ii)(ウェルオホモ) は海を見下ろす: その激しく揺れる大きな塊が岩でできた崖を押す): (結果として、サイクロインテンションを測定することができた *_ に対する成長力を主張するモナド相の関数として: 目に見えないプロセスがリバーブ効果を _00_ から _00_ まで下方に追いかけました): (成長が拘束されると、点束セルは 00-ueghurama 原始相から y セルに移動しました) 目に見えない収縮によって: 物質 u_monads は *pulse の平坦線のように流動的に成長しました: 内部の原始相が内破したため、既存のソースではモナドパルスの必要性を満たすことができませんでした.. *pulse が膨らみ、u_pulse プロセスを保護領全体に押し下げました: ポイントフラックスは無効になりました。_00_ から _00_ まで、山伏はゴリョの増殖によって過剰に浸透したプロトファズムを作成していました。)」(00_00)(モノグルイ: (ft CAPT.R.) (00_00) (00_00) 00。 yu::eghuru(-(CR(00))): (CAM に記録) "(_00_ の (00) でこれらのゴリョを結びつけたとき、我々には中程度から拡張程度を超える内部原始相レベルが残されました。 ごくわずかだったので、そのための u_pulse プロセスが劇的に押し上げられました。ある種の爆破された 00-ueghurama 結合セルは、流れを逆転させる潜在的な緩和手段として一部の人に想像されていましたが、それを十分に迅速に開発することはできませんでした。 必要なレベル、..それを推進する意欲は穏やかでした。アナリストは日常的にこの2つの側面を混同していましたが、機能的価値とは対照的に、プロトファズムのフェチ的価値が成長の可能性を測定する価値でした。 フェチ主導の u_monad 自体としてのポイントフラックスから、関数値のリポジトリとしての c-pulse への移行は完全に見落とされました。.. 代わりに、負の情報値の (0_0) っぽいフラックスとして誤診されました。山伏は、__ 日に部分的に彼らの行動をモデル化しました。

(?): (0)(0)